Texture of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheets produced by differential speed rolling technologies

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The effects of differential speed rolling (DSR) on the texture of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheets were investigated, which were achieved by tailoring deformation temperature, reduction, and speed ratio. The results show that the intensity of basal texture weakens with DSR. With the increase of the rolling temperature, the intensity of basal texture decreased first and then increased, which had a relation with the change of the orientation of the new grains of dynamic recrystallization during rolling. The effect of the reduction on the basal texture was made with the changing degree of sharp point of texture. With increasing the deformation at the same rolling temperature, the intensity of basal texture decreased, and the extending of contour lines decreased in the transverse direction, which was close to the circular distribution. Differential speed ratio has a greater impact on the intensity of the basal texture and has a less effect on the basal deflection. The effects of differential speed rolling (DSR) on the texture of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheets were investigated, which were achieved by tailoring deformation temperature, reduction, and speed ratio. The results show that the intensity of basal texture weakens with DSR. With the increase of the rolling temperature, the intensity of basal texture decreased first and then increased, which had a relation with the change of the orientation of the new grains of dynamic recrystallization during rolling. The effect of the reduction on the basal texture was made with the changing degree of sharp point of texture. With increasing deformation of the same rolling temperature, the intensity of basal texture decreased, and extending of contour lines decreased in the transverse direction, which was close to the circular distribution. Differential speed ratio has a greater impact on the intensity of the basal texture and has a less effect on the basal deflection.
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