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  Say, how would you conclude the gaming
  industry in 2009? Yeah, it was a little rough, with consumers tightening their belts and only a few mega-hits. However, we did see price drops for all major consoles[控制台], a lot of new iPhone games, and a smattering[少量] of amazing titles, some of which we’re still playing.
  But forget about the past. It’s
  time to look ahead and search out this year’s most anticipated games. It’s quite a list with many famous titles, so there is a lot to get
  excited about.
  Portable Console: PSP
  Without a doubt, some of the biggest and latest news for Sony’s portable[便携式的] console, the PlayStation Portable, is the release of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep on January 9th. The new game is a prequel[前篇]
  to the first Kingdom Hearts game for the PlayStation 2,
  taking place ten years before the original, and features many previously unseen characters and unexplained plots. The journey of Terra, Ventus, and Aqua also
  utilizes[利用] a battle system with new elements.
  Everyone is aware how huge Monster Hunter is, and the release of Monster Hunter Tri in 2009 only helped to further its reputation. However, where the franchise[专卖权] has been most successful is on the PSP. In fact, the top three PSP games of all time in Japan all have the words Monster Hunter in their titles.
  Though there used to be worries that the company might move away from the portable platform, Capcom staff said, “We are absolutely not finished with Monster Hunter on the PSP.”
  The release date has not been confirmed yet, but
  Monster Hunter Portable 3 – or Monster Hunter Freedom 3 in the West – is surely something PSP owners can look forward to in 2010.
  Portable Console: NDS
  Behold[看] the remake of Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Reverie, Nintendo DS
  owners. With the series
  remaining one of the best RPG注1 titles ever – even my non-gamer friends can recognize Akira Toriyama’s注2 character design immediately –
  DQ6 is still many
  gamers’ favorite chapter to date. It’s not the general shape of a Dragon Quest game that makes it so appealing, but rather the specifics[细节]:
  the story, the characters, and the system. In this vast, complex world, the hero sets out from his small town and is joined by other characters along his trip. They get to know each other, spend time training
  and gaining experience together, and
  defeat enemies to continue the self-
  discovery adventure.
  The other great news is the arrival of a new Harvest Moon game. The legend
  of this farm SIM series started in 1996, and the goal has never hugely changed since then: you must
  maintain a farm, tend the crops and
  livestock[牲畜], make friends with the nearby townsfolk[市镇居民], get married and even have children in some games. It’s a series that can basically go on forever!
  Over the years, Harvest Moon games have been produced for almost every console. The latest one, Harvest Moon: Village of Twins, will return to the NDS platform with new crops to grow in winter
  and new animals like alpacas[羊驼] and honey bees. The Wi-Fi interaction is back, allowing up to three friends to interact with your farm – and steal your crops! How fun can that be? Just ask those Happy-Net
  Other Platforms
  One of the forthcoming[即将到来的], big releases in 2010 for Wii – and probably for the whole industry, too – is Super Mario Galaxy 2. Back in 2007, Nintendo’s first 3D Mario game was amazingly creative and innovative[创新的] – and one of the most technically impressive Wii games ever. Now this all-new adventure follows directly on from the original game.
  There’s one huge change to the game that will make a lot of difference: the return of Yoshi. Yes, everyone’s favorite hungry green dinosaur makes his long-awaited comeback in Galaxy 2.
  Riding on Yoshi provides much more than just a change to the gameplay. You’ll need his
  special abilities to complete some of your tasks.
  Finally, don’t forget the most popular online game around the world gets the third expansion set in the form of new zones, two new races (Goblins[哥布林,小妖精] for the Horde[游牧部落] and Worgen注3 for the Alliance), and an increase of the level cap to 85.
  The plot of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm revolves
  around[以……为中心] the return of the evil black dragon, Deathwing. In preparation for his return to Azeroth, he destroys the barriers that keep different dimensions apart, triggering a cataclysm[灾难] that reshapes the earth. In the flames of war, new heroes arise to fight for the world…
  注1:即角色扮演游戏。几大常见游戏类别详见本文的“Know More”小栏目。
  1.《黑暗虚空》(Dark Void)[Xbox 360 / PS3]
  2.《质量效应2》(Mass Effect 2)[Xbox 360 / PC]
  4.《猎天使魔女》(Bayonetta)[Xbox 360 / PS3]
  5.《英雄不再2:负隅顽抗》(No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle)[Wii]
  6.《星际迷航在线》(Star Trek Online)[PC]
  7.《生化奇兵2》(BioShock 2)[Xbox 360 / PS3 / PC]
  8.《但丁地狱》(Dante’s Inferno)[Xbox 360 / PS3 / PSP]
  9.《分裂细胞:定罪》(Splinter Cell: Conviction)[Xbox 360]
  10.《失落的星球2》(Lost Planet 2)[Xbox 360 / PS3]
  11.《最终幻想13》(Final Fantasy XIII)[Xbox 360 / PS3]
  12.《战神3》(God of War III)[PS3]
  13.《红色死亡救赎》(Red Dead Redemption)[Xbox 360 / PS3]
  14.《心灵杀手》(Alan Wake)[Xbox 360]
  15.《赤铁2》(Red Steel 2)[Wii]
  16.《暴雨》(Heavy Rain)[PS3]
  17.《罪与罚2》(Sin and Punishment 2)[Wii]
  18.《合金装备:和平行者》(Metal Gear Solid: Peace
  19.《波斯王子:遗忘之沙》(Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands)[Xbox 360 / PS3 / NDS]
  20.《星际争霸2》(Starcraft II)[PC]
  21.《银河战士:Other M》(Metroid: Other M)[Wii]
  22.《超级马里奥银河2》(Super Mario Galaxy 2)[Wii]
  23.《我还活着》(I Am Alive)[Xbox 360 / PS3 / PC]
  24.《黑手党2》(Mafia II)[Xbox 360 / PS3 / PC]
  25.《GT赛车5》(Gran Turismo 5)[PS3]
  26.《恶魔城:黑暗领主》(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow)[Xbox 360 / PS3]
  27.《星球大战:旧共和国》(Star Wars: The Old Republic)[PC]
  28.《魔兽世界:大灾难》(World of Warcraft: Cataclysm)[PC]
  29.《马克思·佩恩3》(Max Payne 3)[Xbox 360 / PS3 / PC]
  30.《摩登大赛车》(ModNation Racers)[PS3]
  Know More
   RPG 角色扮演游戏(Role-Playing Game),部分战斗方式不同的游戏还可以细分为动作类(ARPG)和战略类(SRPG)。现在大多数网游都是MMORPG,即大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)。
   ACT 动作游戏(Action Game),如马里奥系列、《波斯王子》、《战神》等。
   FTG 格斗游戏(Fighting Game),如《街头霸王》、《拳皇》等。
   STG 射击类游戏(Shooting Game),其分支之一就是第一人称视角射击游戏(FPS),如《反恐精英》。
   SLG 策略游戏(Strategy Game),其分支之一就是即时战略游戏(RTS),如《星际争霸》。
   SIM 模拟类游戏(Simulation Game),如《模拟人生》、《模拟城市》等。越来越多人将养成游戏(TCG)也归为广义上的模拟类,如《美少女梦工厂》。
   AVG 冒险游戏(Adventure Game),根据游戏方式可分为动作类和文字解谜类。
   LVG 恋爱游戏(Love Game),如《心跳回忆》。
   RCG 竞速游戏(Racing Game),如《极品飞车》。
   SPT 体育类游戏(Sports Game),如《实况足球》。
   PUZ 益智类游戏(Puzzle Game),如《俄罗斯方块》。
   CAG 卡片游戏(Card Game),如《游戏王》。
   TAB 桌面游戏(Table Game),如《大富翁》。
   MSC 音乐游戏(Music Game),如《太鼓达人》。
   ETC 其他类别游戏(Etc. Game),适用于无法归入以上任何一类的游戏。
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许多媒体都把  鬼才导演蒂姆·波顿的《爱丽丝梦游奇境》选为今年春季最值得期待的电影之一。当你第一眼看到电影预告片时,一定会被其绚丽的奇幻场景和视觉特效所吸引。如果你对蒂姆·  波顿的风格不感冒,那么强大的演员阵容——约翰尼·德普、海伦娜·伯翰·卡特、安妮·  海瑟薇加上澳大利亚新星米娅·华希科沃斯卡,肯定能够吸引你走进电影院。顺便提醒一下,这已经是蒂姆·  波顿和约翰尼·德普这对黄金组合的第七次合