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据安徽商报,从合肥市瑶海区获悉,“合肥物联网科技产业园总体规划”已正式获省发改委批准,标志着该区正式成为全省首家省级专业物联网科技产业园。根据《合肥物联网科技产业园总体规划》,瑶海区将按照产业集群发展要求,在现有产业布局基础上,按照“一园二基地”的建设规划,总规划面积1 5~20平方公里,计划总投资约600亿元,建设集“农业物联网产业园”和“一中心四平台”为一体的现代化物联网科技产业园。到2020年实现建设目标,物联网产业总规模将达到1千亿。总体规划分三步走:近期规划在201 5年建成产业园启动区,2017年建成产业园服务配套区。中期规划在服务配套区 According to Anhui Commercial Daily, it was learned from Yaohai District in Hefei that “the overall plan of Hefei Internet of Things Technology Industrial Park” has been officially approved by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, marking that the district officially became the first province-level professional internet of things technology industrial park in the province. According to the “Hefei Internet of Things Science and Technology Industrial Park Master Plan”, Yaohai District will be in accordance with the requirements of industrial cluster development, based on the existing industrial layout, in accordance with “a garden two bases ” construction planning, the total planning area of ​​15 ~ 20 square Km, with a total planned investment of about 60 billion yuan, building a modern Internet of Things Technology Industrial Park that integrates “Industrial Park of Agricultural Internet of Things” and “One Center and Four Platform”. To achieve the construction goal by 2020, the total scale of the Internet of Things industry will reach 100 billion. The overall plan is divided into three steps: the newly planned industrial park start-up zone will be completed in 201 5 and the industrial service zone will be completed in 2017. Medium-term planning in the service area
对基于空间可分辨光谱的番茄成熟度分类判别方法进行了试验研究。首先根据番茄的内部颜色,将600个番茄分为6个不同成熟度(green,breaker,turning,pink,light red and red),然后
血管性认知功能障碍(Vascular Cognitive Impairment,VCI)是全球第二大常见的认知功能障碍,约占所有痴呆的20%,其中,脑白质损伤,即髓鞘或少突胶质细胞(Oligodendrocytes,OLs)