
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mhy8348
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我院自实施母婴同室以来,全面落实“促使母乳喂养成功的10项措施”,以实施母乳喂养,创建并巩固爱婴医院为总体目标,制定11条“母乳喂养质量控制标准”作为检查母婴喂养质量要求和产科及母婴同室质量指标,全过程均喂养,以总体目标为向导,按程序分以下几个阶段。1 确立目标,制定总体方案 为达到总体目标,首先制定了院内促进母婴喂养的政策、措施、总体方案,质量控制标准,各层次17种医疗、护理常规和制度,质量控制标准达标率要求3项指标超过90%,2项超过95%,6项达100%(产前母乳喂养教覆盖率、乳房保健率、抽查产妇母乳喂养知识技巧合格率超过90%,早吸吮及早接触率、24小时母婴同室率超过95%,产后母乳喂养教覆盖率、乳房保健率、院内纯母乳喂养(有医学指征除外)、接需哺乳率、取消奶头、奶瓶、代乳品率,工作人员培训合格上岗率达到 Since the implementation of maternal and infant co-department in our hospital, we have fully implemented “10 measures to promote breastfeeding success” to implement breastfeeding and create and consolidate baby-friendly hospitals as the overall goal. We established 11 “quality control standards for breast-feeding” as test mothers. Infant feeding quality requirements and quality indicators for obstetrics and maternity and infants were fed throughout the entire process. The overall goal was guided and the procedures were divided into the following stages. 1 Establish goals and formulate overall plans To achieve the overall goals, the hospital first formulated policies, measures, overall plans, and quality control standards for the promotion of maternal and infant feeding in hospitals, 17 kinds of medical care, nursing routines and systems at all levels, and quality control standards compliance rate requirements 3 The index exceeds 90%, 2 items exceed 95%, and 6 items reach 100% (prenatal education for breastfeeding coverage, breast care rate, and the knowledge rate for spot-checking mothers’ breastfeeding knowledge exceeds 90%. Early admission and early contact rate, 24 hours Maternal and infant cohabitation rate of more than 95%, postpartum breastfeeding education coverage rate, breast health care rate, exclusive breastfeeding in the hospital (except for medical indications), rate of demand for breastfeeding, cancellation of teats, baby bottles, milk replacer rate, qualified staff training posts Rate reached
Minolta在与Konica合并成立新的投资公司之后,优势互补,产品系列得到丰富和加强,并填补了过去的一些空白,例如本次评测的Konica Minolta DiMAGE Z1(下文简称Z1),就是Minolta
“唉,没想到,真没想到。”我正独自一人喃喃自语。  这到底是怎么回事呢?这要从那天数学晚托说起了……  下午第四节课刚一下课,我就急匆匆地蹿到老吕边上,未待坐下,便问:“老吕,晚托是什么课啊?”同时心中默念:不是数学课,不是数学课,不是……  却见老吕同学睁着略显迷离的一对小眼睛,似醒非醒地答道:“啊!哦……晚托?嗯……是数学课诶。”  哦,不!嗨,罗赛(印度语,意思是哦,天哪)。心中不禁万般呐喊
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