
来源 :农村科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lydiajiao
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山芹菜生于山区阔叶林下湿地、林缘及林间草地等处,是多年生草本植物。山芹菜有浓郁的芹菜和茴香混合气味,翠绿多汁,清香可口,含有多种人体必需的氨基酸、维生素和微量元素;纤维素含量高,有提高消化道功能、强胃健脾、增强食欲、改善便秘、降低血压、强心利尿等食疗作用,又无农药、化肥工业废弃物等有害物污染,是大有发展的绿色食品。下面介绍山芹菜移植大棚生产要注意的八个要点: 一、土地选择要避风、向阳、地势平坦、灌水排水容易、土壤不粘重、管理与运输方便的地块,要采用林地的腐殖土覆盖池面约30厘米 Hill celery was born in mountainous area under the broadleaved forest wetlands, forest edge and forest grassland and other places, is a perennial herb. Hill celery is rich in celery and fennel mixed smell, green and juicy, fragrant and delicious, contains a variety of essential amino acids, vitamins and trace elements; cellulose content, improve digestive tract function, strong stomach and spleen, enhance appetite, Improve constipation, lower blood pressure, cardiac diuretic and other therapeutic effects, and no pesticides, fertilizer and other industrial waste pollution, is a great development of green food. Here are eight points to pay attention to the production of mountain celery transplant greenhouse: First, the choice of land to shelter from the wind, sunny, flat drainage, irrigation and drainage easy, soil is not sticky, management and transport convenience land, the use of forest humus Cover the pool surface about 30 cm
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