情切切 意殷殷——记榆林地委书记高仰秀、行署专员马铁山

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“武装工作是实实在在的工作,必须实实在在地去办”,这是榆林地委书记高仰秀、行署专员马铁山对榆林地区各级领导抓武装工作的总体要求,也是两位领导关心武装工作的具体体现。3年来,他俩本着实事实办的原则,为国防后备力量建设办了10多件实实在在的事情。 地委书记高仰秀忠实履行第一书记的职责,他每半年召集县(币、区)委书记到军分区参加党管武装工作会议和议军会,现场解决人武部和驻军的实际困难。高仰秀利用吃住在军分区的机会,坚持每月抽时间与军分区司令员、政委一起学习、办公,征求意见,掌握了解武装工作情况,及时解决问题。人武部收归军队建制,榆林地区有41名人武干部要由地方安置工作,军分区出面联系难度较大,高仰秀和马铁山亲自召集组织、人事部门的 “Armed work is a real work and must be practically done.” This is the general requirement of YURA party secretary Gao Yangxiu and administrative commissioner Ma Tieshan on the armed work of leaders at all levels in Yulin. The two leaders also care about armed The concrete manifestation of the work. Over the past three years, both of them have done more than 10 real things for the building of a national defense reserve force based on the principle of truth and facts. Gao Yangxiu, secretary of the prefectural party committee, faithfully performs his duties as the first secretary. He convenes the county (currency and district) party committee secretary to the military subregion every six months to participate in the party’s armed work conference and the military assembly meeting, and solves the actual difficulties of the armed forces department and the garrison in the field. Gao Yangxiu took advantage of the opportunity to eat and live in the military subregion and persisted in taking time every month to study and work with commanders and commissars of the military divisions to solicit opinions and understand the armed work and solve the problems in a timely manner. People’s Military Department recuperated the establishment of the military system. There are 41 military personnel in Yulin area that need to be resettled by the local authorities. It is very difficult for the military sub-areas to contact them. Gao Yangxiu and Ma Tieshan personally convened the organization and personnel departments
目的:测定消癌平注射液中新绿原酸、原儿茶醛、绿原酸、隐绿原酸、咖啡酸、香草酸和4-香豆素的含量。方法:Kromasil 100-5 C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),流动相乙腈-0.2%