
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的调查掌握某部营区自备水源的污染现状,为加强水源综合治理、改善水质提供科学依据。方法采用现场调查和实验室检验相结合的方法,按照《生活饮用水标准检验方法》(GB5750-2006)进行水样采集、检测,依据《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)对结果进行评价。采用查看门诊登记、开展广泛问卷调查、查阅医院住院病例资料等方法,调查该部腹泻病的发病情况。结果水源周围环境卫生状况较差;近3年来,该部井水的各项常规指标中分别有4项(浑浊度、铁、锰、菌落总数)、5项(色度、浑浊度、铁、硫酸盐、总大肠菌群)和8项(色度、浑浊度、臭和味、肉眼可见物、铁、硫酸盐、菌落总数、总大肠菌群)指标超标;该部腹泻病的发病率与同类型单位相比显著升高,但住院病例疾病谱的构成比没有明显差异。结论该部自备水源水质受到了污染,对官兵的身体健康产生了明显的损害,必须采取综合治理措施,彻底改善水质。 Objective To investigate and grasp the status quo of pollution of self-provided water source in a barracks area and provide scientific basis for strengthening water source comprehensive treatment and improving water quality. Methods The method of on-site investigation and laboratory test were used to collect and test water samples according to Standard Test Method for Domestic Drinking Water (GB5750-2006), and the results were based on the Standard for Drinking Water Quality (GB5749-2006) Evaluation. Investigate the incidence of diarrheal diseases in this department by checking the outpatient registration, carrying out extensive questionnaire surveys, referring to hospital inpatient data and other methods. As a result, the sanitation condition around the water source was poor. In the past 3 years, there were 4 general indicators of well water (turbidity, iron, manganese and total number of colonies), 5 items (color, turbidity, iron, Sulphate and total coliforms) and 8 indicators (chroma, turbidity, odor and taste, macroscopic matter, iron, sulphate, total number of colonies and total coliform) exceeded the standard. Compared with the same type of unit was significantly higher, but there was no significant difference in the composition of disease spectrum in hospitalized patients. Conclusion The water quality of the self-provided water source of the Ministry has been polluted, which has caused obvious damage to the health of officers and soldiers. Comprehensive measures must be taken to completely improve the water quality.
患者 :女性 ,76岁。因口干、多饮、多尿、多食 5 a,呕吐、腹泻 5 d入院。患者 5 a前出现口干、多饮、多尿、多食 ,但日渐消瘦 ,体重下降约 5 kg,但未予注意。2 a前因纳差、呕
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目的了解和掌握玉林市疟疾的流行特征。方法采用Excel 2003对2004-2013年玉林市疟疾病例的流行病学特征进行描述性统计分析。结果 2004-2013年玉林市疟疾发病率为0.02/10万~0