A Study on Doris Lessing WritingThe Golden Notes

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  Ⅰ. Introduction
  As one of the most brilliant contemporary British writers, Doris Lessing was born in Iran and moved to Southern Africa where she spent her childhood. In 1949, she moved to London, where her first novel, The Grass is Singing, was published in 1950. Her masterpiece The Golden Notes, which was published in 1962, due to its formal and thematic complexity, was considered a milestone in Feminist literature. Her works focused on a wide range of twentieth-century issues and concerns, from the politics of race that she confronted in her early novels set in Africa, to the politics of gender which lead to her adoption by the feminist movement, to the role of the family and the individual in society, explored in her space fiction of the late 1970s and early 1980s.
  Ⅱ. The African Theme in Her Works
  The Grass is Singing earned a considerable praise as Doris Lessing’s first novel. Like many of her works, this story was also set in Africa which explored the brutality of racism in South Africa. Relying on the life experiences in southern Africa and with the deep sympathy to the black natives, Doris Lessing showed us a picture of colonialism of that period. In the eyes of the white colonist, the colonized were the symbol of all the humble, inferior and dirty things. The main heroine Mary, from the first day she stepped to the farm, wary carefully their servants to pretend them stealing the leftovers. The white man believed that they had the right to sell or buy the colonized freely. And they agreed that the only way to treat the Africans was through whip. However, in front of such a powerful opponent, the colonized were silent and hopeless, because their status was marginalized and they had to depend on the white people on economy (王麗丽,2006: 214). The black natives in The Grass is Singing resisted under desperateness, but the result was unsatisfactory. As one of the tragic images with the spirit of resistance in the story, Moses’resistance and obedience were silent. The colonialism brought terrible excruciation to the black natives.
  Ⅲ. The Feminism in Her Novels
  The view of feminism was highlighted in Doris Lessing’s masterpiece The Golden Notes, the sounds of the women’s liberation movement. She focused on the description of the women’s fate and living situation of that period. The main heroine of the novel, Anna Wulf, recorded her life in four different notes: the black one,
【摘要】文化负载词是带有语言文化特征的词语。文化背景不同,必然存在着文化负载词的翻译问题。随着全球信息的一体化,各国的交流愈加紧密,新闻媒体作为传递信息的工具和载体,在交流中有着不可忽视的作用。本文从纽马克的交际理论视角出发,针对新闻英语中特有的文化负载词的特点,探讨新闻英语的翻译策略与方法,旨在让读者对新闻英语的理解和反映与源文达到一致的效果。  【关键词】交际翻译理论;文化负载词;新闻英语;翻
【摘要】本研究通过对EGAP教学法理念目标及实践效果的解析、国内重要外语赛事的举例解析及作者本人指导学生参加的外语大赛引入分析,从当今国内大学生英语能力现状探究大学生英语学术能力提升的必要性以及在跨文化交际能力、英语应用能力、思辨能力三个层次上外语赛事对大学生能力提升的合理性与积极性。  【关键词】EGAP教学法;外语赛事;跨文化交际能力;英语应用能力;思辨能力  【作者简介】包烨,内蒙古化工职业
【摘要】英语是中学课程中必不可少的环节,英语水平的学习好坏影响到学生未来的发展。在初中英语教学中,学生学习兴趣低,学习动机不强,一直都是教学中反复探讨的难点。为了取得较好的教学效果,及时引入课堂教学新观念,充分调动学生的学习积极性。本文重点分析初中英语教学中存在的主要问题,结合实际进行分析,为提高英语教学质量提出合理化建议。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂教学;问题分析  【作者简介】周春玲,山东省临
【摘要】在国家大力倡导素质教育和教育公平的背景下,针对乡村小学教师配备不足等问题,小学教育全科专业的学生在广西壮族自治区就业需求旺盛。本文主要研究广西壮族自治区乡村小学英语学科的教学现状和存在的问题,提出如何提升小学教育全科专业学生英语学科教学能力的方法,从而推进乡村小学英语课程教学,缩小城乡教育差距。  【关键词】小学教育全科专业; 英语; 教学能力;提升  【作者简介】李晶(1981.07-)
【摘要】英语作为初中课程中的基础学科,是初中学生的学习重点。如果想切实提高初中英语教学质量,转化后进生就是必要条件。在现在的初中英语教学中,培养后进生的自主学习能力是转化的核心。这样,不仅可以使学生提高学习兴趣,还可以使后进生养成良好的学习习惯,从而提高后进生的英语综合能力。  【关键词】初中;英语教学;转化后进生  【作者简介】吴雅英,闽侯县第六中学。  如果想在初中英语教学中有效转化后进生,就
【摘要】在经济全球化时代以及初中英语新课标背景下,英语的教学地位得到稳步提升,同时新课标对初中生英语学科的能力目标要求也有所提高。基于此,本文通过反思现有阅读策略培育环节不足之处,提出初中英语教学中阅读策略的有效培养途径,希望对教学有所助益。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读策略;培养途径  【作者简介】邹永莲(1973.09-),女,漢族,福建清流人,福建省清流县实验中学,中学一级教师,研究方向:初中