
来源 :哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chchchop
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自1982年人口条款入宪至今已有30年,在此尝试分析并解释这一宪法中颇受争议之条款——第25条。现代政治是人民统治的政治,然而谈及中国现代法治进程,涉及的不只是一个谁统治谁的合法性问题,还内含了一个人口治理的维度。人口是人民这一精神性事物的肉身,它的基本单位是家,现代性在中国可表达为从“小写的家”客观化为“大写的家”。就此而言,现代人民统治的基本结构就不是“个体自治—公共自治”的二元模式,而是“公共自治—家庭自治—个体自治”的三元模式。据此,第25条应当从人口治理的角度加以扩大性解释,即应解释为“国家实行人口管理,使人口的变化同经济和社会发展相适应”。 It has been 30 years since the constitution of the population was enacted into the constitution in 1982, where it attempts to analyze and explain the controversial provisions of this constitution - Article 25. Modern politics is the politics of people’s rule. However, when it comes to the process of China’s modern rule of law, it involves not only the legitimacy of who ruled nobody, but also a dimension of population governance. Population is the flesh body of the spiritual thing of the people. Its basic unit is home. Modernity can be expressed in China from “lowercase ” and “objective ” as “uppercase ”. In this sense, the basic structure of modern people’s rule is not the dualistic model of “individual autonomy-public autonomy” but the triple model of “public autonomy-home autonomy-individual autonomy.” Accordingly, Article 25 should be extendedly interpreted from the perspective of population governance, which should be interpreted as “the state practices population management and makes changes in the population compatible with economic and social development.”
在改革开放不断深入、市场经济迅猛发展的形势下,保安公司经理如何搞好队伍管理?根据几年的实践,我认为需要在以下几个方面狠下功夫。 加强学习 不断提高自身素质 我国保安
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