新生儿先天性膈疝(congenital diaph-ragmatic hernia CDH)是由于腹腔脏器从膈肌缺损或薄弱部分进入胸腔引起,临床并不少见,但在治疗上却十分棘手;是一种严重威胁新生儿生命的疾病。其发现可溯达400余年的历史,仅就目前治疗的主要手段——外科的膈肌缺损修补手术而言,业已广泛使用达50年之久。但根据最近20年的综合报导,本病的总死亡率仍高达30~50%,尤以出生24小时内手术死亡率更高为50~70%。由此可见日月虽在推移,几十年来CDH的死亡情况并未获得明显改善。因此,进而探讨CDH的发
Congenital diaph-ragmatic hernia (CDH) is caused by abdominal organs entering the chest from the defect or weakness of the diaphragm. It is not uncommon in clinic, but it is very difficult to treat. It is a serious threat to the life of the newborn disease. Its discovery dates back over 400 years and has been widely used for more than 50 years with regard to the only major modality of surgery currently available, surgical repair of diaphragm defects. However, according to the comprehensive report of the past 20 years, the total mortality rate of this disease is still as high as 30% to 50%. Especially, the mortality rate in the first 24 hours is 50% to 70%. This shows that although the sun and the moon are passing, the death of CDH for decades has not been significantly improved. Therefore, further discussion of CDH hair