
来源 :中国美学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spiker315
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阎国忠关于自然美与艺术美关系论的主张,离不开人与自然统一这个美学的基本问题,以较为辩证的观点分析两者关系,使两者各美其美,真正互补,这为深化对自然美、艺术美关系的研究提供了有价值的借鉴。阎国忠反对以黑格尔为代表的“艺术美高于自然美”的观点,而推崇康德的自然美思想,认为自然美有着艺术美无法企及的独特优势与魅力,两者不可互相替代,各有所长,无所谓高低优劣之分。阎国忠不同意谢林与黑格尔将艺术置于自然之上,并且切断艺术与技术的联系,而是将自然美、技艺美、艺术美三者排列,突出它们作为审美活动的领域是互相联系、不可分割的。 Yan Guozhong’s claim on the relationship between natural beauty and artistic beauty can not be separated from the aesthetic basic issue of the unity of man and nature. He analyzed the relationship between the two with a more dialectical view so as to make the two beautiful and the beautiful fully complement each other. , The relationship between art and the United States provides a valuable reference. Yan Guozhong objected to the view that Hegel represented “the beauty of art is higher than that of natural beauty”, and praised Kant’s thought of natural beauty, that natural beauty has the unique superiority and charm unattainable by art beauty, and both can not substitute each other Long, regardless of the level of merits. Yan Guozhong did not agree that Schelling and Hegel place the art above nature, and cut off the connection between art and technology. Instead, they arranged the natural beauty, the beauty of art, and the beauty of art, and highlighted that they were interrelated in the field of aesthetic activities. non-splittable.
对于审美心理特点的研究要从审美经验入手,而审美经验的研究是审美心理学的中心问题。本文以审美心理的萌芽、构成要素和发展阶段为方向,浅谈审美心理的特点。 The study of
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Qin Yanshi,a retired professor of Sichuan Normal University,has focused on Mo Zi(Micius),a philosopher of the early Warring States Period(475-221 B.C.),througho