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业内很多前辈、同仁经常说的一句话就是要多读书,多向传统绘画和画论学习。怎么学?我觉得从美术史入手,这是一个比较方便也较为系统的方法。我与此书结缘已二十年了。二十年前,当我从蔡瑞邦先生(我的绘画启蒙老师)书橱里拿出此书时,并未想到会将它一直留在手边不愿归还,每念及此,总有一丝不安和愧意。好在他对书籍不甚介怀,而且我的数本大型画册被他借阅,至今也未回到我的架上——权作交换了吧,我这样安慰自己。那时的出版业远未像今天这样发达,寻找一本书的难度也不是今天的读者所能想象的,否则,一个爱书惜书的人,又怎会做出这样的事呢?依然清晰记得当初捧读的情形:边读边大段摘抄,不时还在欣赏的字句和自以为是重点的段落 Many predecessors, colleagues often say a word is to study more, to learn more traditional painting and painting theory. How to learn? I think starting from the history of art, this is a more convenient and systematic approach. I have been married to this book for twenty years. Twenty years ago, when I took out this book from the bookcase of Mr. Cai Ruibang (my enlightenment teacher), I did not expect it to be left unattended at all times. Every time I read this, there was always a sense of anxiety and shame meaning. Fortunately, he did not mind very much about books, and I borrowed a large number of his large pictures album, and has not returned to my frame - the right to exchange it, I so comfort myself. The publishing industry at that time was far from being developed as it is today, and the difficulty of finding a book is not what today’s readers can imagine, otherwise, a man who loves to cherish books can still do so. I remember the first reading of the situation: while reading a large section of excerpts, from time to time are still enjoying the words and self-righteous passage
Cities ability reducing earthquake disasters is a complex system involving numerous factors, moreover the re-search on evaluating cities ability reducing earthquake disasters relates to multi-subject,
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以单头亚菊茎段为外植体对其进行组织培养,MS为基本培养基,设置不同激素浓度配比。对实验结果进行观察分析,筛选出合适的配方。启动培养基为MS+0.5 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.01 mg·L-
在CHINAPLAS 2016国际橡塑展上,巴斯夫邀请亚太地区设计师分享利用巴斯夫先进材料打造的创新解决方案,以应对城市生活挑战。巴斯夫大中华区总裁兼董事长柯迪文博士表示:“中