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以黄蒿造型作砧木,嫁接菊花制成的各种盆景,是盆景家族中一枝新秀,它独树一帜,受人喜爱。黄蒿主干粗壮苍劲雄健,韧性较好,不易折断,有利于攀扎造型,同时它兼有生命力旺盛,对自然条件要求不严,易于嫁接成活等诸多优点,因此它便成嫁接与制做菊花盆景的天然良材。黄蒿是二年生菊科植物,头年9—10月份野生于田园荒野或村宅路旁(也可播种),入冬生长缓慢,翌年春天开始复苏,生长加快,10月份左右开花结实后枯萎死亡,我们制做盆景,可于3月份到野外挖取黄蒿小苗进行地养或盆养,也可采取播种方法,培育小苗。黄蒿种子较小,播种时散播于土的表面,用铁耙轻扒掩埋后不断浇水,便可发芽出土。小苗出土后,控制水肥防止旺长。3月份便可分栽待用。现将黄蒿造型、嫁接、制造各种盆 With Artemisia scoparia as a rootstock, grafting all kinds of bonsai made of chrysanthemum is a rookie in the bonsai family, it is unique, loved. Artemisia arborvitae robust robust, toughness is good, not easy to break, is conducive to Panzha shape, at the same time it combines vitality, lack of strict requirements of the natural conditions, easy grafting survival and many other advantages, so it becomes a graft and make daisy Bonsai natural good material. Artemisia annua is a perennial Compositae, the first 9 years of October or the wild in rural fields or village house roadside (also sowing), winter growth is slow, the next spring began to recover, growth accelerated, around October withered and died after flowering and fruiting , We make bonsai, can be picked in the field in March to Artemisia scutum seedlings to raise or basin culture, but also to take sowing methods to cultivate seedlings. Artemisia minor seeds, sowing spread on the surface of the soil, with iron rake light chopped buried after continuous watering, they can germinate unearthed. After the seedlings were excavated, the control of water and fertilizer to prevent Wang Chang. March can be divided into plant stand-by. Artemisia now modeling, grafting, manufacture all kinds of pots
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