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两年来全国各级各界人民代表会议有很大的成绩。东北大行政区、内蒙古自治区已召开各界人民代表会议。全国二十八省、八个相当于省的行署区、一百五十四个市,除福建省正在积极筹备召开、有八个新设市尚未召开外,其余均已召开了人民代表会议。全国二千零六十八县、一百一十七个相当于县的行政单位(如旗、设治局、管理局、镇、特区、直属区、工矿区、自治区、中心区、办事处等),去年召开人民代表会议的只有一七○七县,三十六旗,今年则增至二○三八县和一百零五个相当于县的行政单位,只有三十个县和十二个相当于县的行政单位,因情况特殊,尚未召开。乡(行政村)一般均已召开了人民代表会议或农民代表会议,十万人口以上的城市,已有三十个市召开了区人民代表会议。更重要的是各地人民代表会议的工作有许多的创造与发展,其主要情况和经验如下:一、各级各界人民代表会议,均以解决当前的重大政治任务为中心内容。一年来许多地方的人民代表会议,热烈地讨论了开展抗美援朝、土地 In the past two years, people’s deputies from all walks of life across the country have made great achievements. Northeast China, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has convened a people’s deputies from all walks of life. In the 28 provinces and 8 administrative regions equivalent to the administrative and administrative offices of the province and 154 cities, in addition to the preparations for and the convening of Fujian Province, eight new cities have not yet been convened yet, and the remaining people’s deputies have already been convened. There are 2,068 counties in the country and 117 administrative units equivalent to counties (such as flags, administration offices, administrative offices, towns, special zones, immediate areas, industrial and mining areas, autonomous regions, central districts, offices, etc. ). Only one hundred and seventy counties and thirty-six flags held at the people’s congress last year increased to 208 and 105 counties equivalent to the administrative units this year. Only thirty counties and twelve An equivalent of the county administrative unit, due to special circumstances, has not yet been held. Townships (administrative villages) have generally convened a people’s congress or peasant congress, a city of over 100,000 population, and 30 municipalities have held district people’s congresses. More importantly, there are many creations and developments in the work of people’s congresses at various levels. The main facts and experiences are as follows: 1. The people’s congresses at all levels and all levels have all focused on solving the current major political tasks. In the past year, the people’s congress in many places has heatedly discussed the issue of carrying out the war to resisting U.S. aid and aid the land
有指导的阅读思维活动(Directed Reading-Thinking Activities)教学法,以下简称DRTA教学法,作为英语语言阅读教学的新方法,是在教师的指导下,倡导学习者在阅读过程中重新思考
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