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  As we become increasingly dependent on technology in our daily lives we open ourselves up to an entirely new kind of threat, cyberattacks.
  When we started thinking about cybersecurity and where it’s heading, one of the first issues brought up was the Internet of Things. Someone tampering with your computer while you’re surfing the web is an inconvenience, but what about someone hacking into your car while you’re driving down the highway?
  So, in an effort to ease our fears and gain a better perspective we decided to ask a group of cybersecurity experts…
  What’s the future of cybersecurity?
  Ondrej Vlcek, CTO & GM of Consumer at Avast1
  “In 10-15 years, we will be deep in a ‘war of the machines’ era with advances in artificial intelligence bringing fast and sophisticated execution of security defense and cybercrime. This will be a battle of AI vs AI.
  “The availability of low cost computing and storage, off-the-shelf machine learning algorithms, AI code and open AI platforms will drive increased AI use by the good guys to defend and protect—but also increase deployment of AI by the bad guys. There will be sophisticated attacks launched on a grand scale, quickly and intelligently with little human intervention, that compromise our digital devices and web infrastructure.
  “Cybercriminals will create fully autonomous, AI-based attacks that will operate completely independently, adapt, make decisions on their own and more. Security companies will counter this by developing and deploying AI-based defensive systems. Humans will simply supervise the process.”
  Konstantinos Karagianni, CTO of BT
  “Blockchains are moving from the realm of just fueling cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to providing smart contracts, identity management, and multiple ways of proving integrity of data. They may also hold the key to defending against IoT attacks.
  “Quantum computing will have possibly the biggest impact within 10 years. Most over-the-wire encrypted transmissions collected over the next decade will be readable, and even private keys will be reversible from public blockchains (for example, you can spend someone else’s Bitcoin). Post-quantum safe crypto will be a must.   “AI will be used to identify hacking flaws and patch them to stay ahead of malicious attackers.”
  Carl Herberger, VP of security at Radware2
  “The top challenge for cybersecurity isn’t preventing data breaches, stamping out ransomware, or preventing ever-more-massive DDoS attacks, it is securing our digital privacy. Digital threats have evolved quickly and can wreak havoc on our lives, endangering our personal privacy and the privacy of those around us.
  “To tackle this important issue, we need the national government to take a stance on what our digital privacy is. Is it an immutable human right? If so, there needs to be explicit legislation that goes beyond what is currently in place. It needs to protect each and every citizen and hold those who might put our privacy in jeopardy accountable for their actions. This will be the most important cybersecurity decision in the next year and it will shape the security landscape for years to come.”
  Michael Shinn, CEO of Atomicorp3
  “IoT will overtake everything else in connected devices and not only will be the most hacked stuff, it will continue to be the hardest to protect. This will turn cybersecurity on its head because security on all IoT is terrible, and totally opaque to users. It’s take it or leave it. You can’t harden the devices after the fact. You can’t even log into them. You just have to hope they are secure and your perimeter can stop all attacks.
  “Building secure, hardened IoT devices from the start is ultimately the best solution. One new challenge will be that IoT devices will have encrypted connections (or they should!). It will be effectively impossible for any network based device like a firewall to see inside that session. There are some SSL/TLS4 interception methods that can be used, but that requires the devices to trust the interception device. Harden your IoT now.”
  “物联网将在连接设备方面超越其他网络,它不仅会受到最多的黑客攻击,还将一如既往地最难以保护。这将完全颠覆人们对网络安全的看法,原因在于所有物联网的安全性都很糟糕,而且对用户完全不透明。对此,要么接受,要么放弃。发生事故后,您将无法加固设备安全。您甚至都无法登录。您只能盼望它们是安全的,并且希望外围设备能阻止所有攻击。   “最佳终极解决方案是从一开始就构建安全、坚固的物联网设备。一项新的挑战是物联网设备将会加密连接(或者应是如此!)。事实上,任何像防火墙之类的联网设备都将无法窥视会话内容。可以使用安全套接字层协议拦截或传输层安全协议拦截的方式,但这要求联网设备信任该拦截装置。即刻强化您的物联网。”
  Eugene Pilyankevich, CTO at Cossack Labs5
  “Many traditional concepts will be hopefully gone. Perimeter security, storage-only encryption, access control based on privilege records, authentication that relies on one strong factor, DMZ6—they will fade out or vanish completely.
  “Many new techniques will arise through machine learning and weak AIs, especially in intrusion detection and making sense of large-scale monitoring and signal analysis. Many new techniques will arise from advancements in cryptography and collective effort to eliminate poor cryptography. Still, we will have snake-oil products and systems.
  “Attackers will still be ahead of the game because security is asymmetric in effort and success criteria between attacker and defender.
  “With proliferation of IoT and a bunch of computers in every device, the damage will get physical. Growing complexity of real-world processes, intertwined with complexity of security protocols protecting them, will lead to many new challenges in practical use cases for security tooling.”
  尤金·皮利安凯维奇,Cossack Labs首席技术官
  Betsy Cooper, Executive Director, Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, at UC Berkeley
  “In 10-15 years, cybersecurity might be about preventing ‘real’ identity theft. In 2017, we call theft of social security numbers and passwords ‘identity theft’. But what if criminals could steal not just these, but also our fingerprints, our brain waves, and even our genetics? This could happen, as passwords get easier to crack.
  “First, we’ll shift to using biometrics like fingerprints and iris scans to authenticate ourselves online. But once hacked, we can’t change these things, so we’ll have to abandon them.
  “We might switch to new methods of authentication, through brain wave sensors or genetics. But these can be hacked too. And the more information we provide, the closer criminals will get to capture our essential selves.”
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