
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:siery
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抗滑桩桩间水平土拱效应目前主要用于确定桩间距,在桩间组合结构的受力计算中应用较少。如桩间墙,设计者多按设桩处的剩余下滑力计算桩上荷载,采取将土压力或剩余下滑力折减,或将土体参数提高的方法估算墙上荷载,未充分考虑桩间水平土拱的影响。首先理论分析了桩间水平土拱对桩间墙组合结构受力的影响,认为在桩间水平土拱影响下,抗滑桩的受力应为土拱拱顶处的剩余下滑力;挡土墙的受力应为拱前土体产生的主动土压力或剩余下滑力。在此基础上,推导了考虑土拱效应时该组合结构中抗滑桩和挡土墙的受力计算方法。以某实际铁路堑坡为例,通过计算考虑桩间水平土拱效应的桩间墙受力分配,说明了桩间水平土拱效应对桩间墙组合结构受力的影响。 The horizontal soil arching effect between anti-sliding piles is currently mainly used to determine the spacing of piles, and it is less used in force calculation of composite structures between piles. For example, in a pile wall, the designer mostly calculates the load on the pile according to the residual sliding force at the piled location, adopts the method of reducing the earth pressure or residual sliding force, or increases the soil parameters to estimate the wall load, and does not fully consider the piles. Horizontal soil arch effect. Firstly, the influence of the horizontal soil arch between piles on the stress of the composite structure of the inter-segment wall is theoretically analyzed. It is considered that under the influence of the horizontal soil arch between the piles, the force of the anti-slide pile should be the residual sliding force at the dome of the soil arch; The force of the wall should be the active earth pressure or residual sliding force generated by the arched soil. Based on this, the force calculation methods for anti-sliding piles and retaining walls in the composite structure are deduced when considering the soil arching effect. Taking an actual railway slope as an example, the force distribution of the pile-to-pile wall considering the horizontal soil arching between piles is used to illustrate the influence of the horizontal soil arching between piles on the force acting on the composite structure.
为了准确测定土壤蔗糖酶含量,分析了不同波长、显色剂加入量、甲苯加入量、加热时间、显色稳定时间等条件对3,5-二硝基水杨酸(3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid,DNS)比色法测定土壤蔗