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  The Advertising Media means a media where the advertisement can be published to the public. It’s also a methods that can be released the goods or service information. The traditional “ four big advertising media ” is the TV, radio, newspapers, magazines. In the advertising industry, the TV and Radio are called the Radio media, the Newspapers and Magazines are called the Print Media.
  The classification of the advertising media
  In our daily life, we can hear and see the ads through Radio and TV, and read the all kinds of ads through Internet, newspaper and magazine. These media such as Radio, TV just takes the Advertising media’s role, which transmits the ad’s information to public. Each kinds of Medium not only has the advantages, but also has the limitation. As a matter of fact, the precondition of the reasonable choice for advertising media is to understand the character of each medium. Firstly, we need to classify the advertising media.
  According to the function, it can be divided to visual media, auditory media and audio-visual dual media. To stimulate the visual or auditory organ can meet the goal of the information transmission. According to the property, it can be newspaper media, magazine media, radio media, TV media, outdoor media, books media, and traffic media, store media, also includes some sub-media, such as package media, video media and postal media. They are the parts of the advertising media. To fully understand the advertising media is easy for us to make a reasonable choice.
  The role and importance of advertising media
  Media is the final connecting channel between the advertising and consumers, while advertising can produce the effects through the contacting between consumers and media. As an important part of advertising, media can not only accurately and timely pass the advertising information, but present the features and attraction to the certain consumers. It can satisfy the specific requirements of advertising information by the flexible adaptability serving the propagation of advertising. Moreover, it can meet the utmost needs of consumers, and provide the helpful information for them.
  With the applications of science and technology in various fields, advertising media has played a more and more important role as a carrier and a tool as well in information dissemination. It refers to any kinds of physical tools. Without media, information is impossible to be presented, nor to be spread. Media has been involved in every aspect of our daily life.   The important thing is the choice of advertising media directly determined whether advertising goal can be realized. The goal of advertisement is to build the images for company and commodity, and to expand the sales volume. Advertisement is impacted by the selection and combination of advertising media, the layout, the length, the frequency and timing.
  Advertising media also decided whether the advertisement with a purpose. The target of an advertisement only can be a certain number or a certain range among the public. The objective of an advertising is the end of information spread line, which means the receiver of information spread line. And that the public is also known as the "audience". Even though the objective of an advertising was aimed in an advertising campaign, the media was improper, then the whole advertisement would be all one's previous efforts wasted.
  Finally, advertising media is the one deciding the effect of an advertisement. Any company want the best effect with a less expenses. Most expense of the advertisement will be used for the media, so to say, the cost of the advertisement can decide the effect of the advertisement.
  How to select advertising media reasonably
  Actually, each media has its own merit and drawback. When we choose the media, it is importent consider various factors according to market target.
  If enterprise want to increase market share and expand sales, the media would be best to choose newspaper and magazine ,which is the best effect, followed by TV and radio. And companies to expand their goals advertising sales can prompt consumers to shorten the purchase decision process, as soon as possible to make a buying decision. In order to achieve this goal, television, radio, POP, newspapers, magazines etc are the ideal choice .
  If enterprise want to set up the business enterprise or product image, the enterprise should make consumers warm to itself and enhance the public and reputation of the enterprise or the product. In order to achieve these goals, the choice in the media, newspapers, outdoor traffic and players and media is relatively appropriate media choice, at the same time advertising on TV or magazines can also produce the good effect.
  Consider about the target market which includes consumers’ own factors such as age, sex, occupation, education level, income or other factors to make the media choices, Enterprise should firstly put ads on the most likely consumer groups who will buy the enterprise products probably. If the product sales could not reach the goal of top issue, then adjust the goal to another group until finding one most suitable media to the consumption group.   The reasonable selection of advertising media also should be combined with the marketing environment. First of all, social ideology will affect the media choice. Some countries are limited by social ideology, resulting in laying particular stress on the media. For example, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, advertising is not allowed in the television and radio. Some countries forbid broadcasting cigarette, wine advertising on TV and radio. In Islam area, the limitation level to TV, movie is stricter; these countries turn to choose other advertising media. Visible ideology influence one country's media choice directly.
  Secondly, as same as population density, education level, living standards, the dissemination of population density and the advertising media and the propagation velocity also affect the choice of media. In the areas with low population density, media communication speed and range requirements are a little higher. In terms of education, illiteracy rate will directly restrict the range of distribution and quantity of the print media; in the area with high illiteracy rate, it is appropriate to convince consumers in two types of media: television and radio. The reason is television and radio could express information through the visual image and language in order to pass product information to consumers. The standard of living is proportional to communication level. In the high standard living area, newspapers, magazines, radio, television penetration rates are higher.
  In short, it’s important for advertiser to choose the advertising media. To achieve the expectant result, it should be considering each factor to select the appropriate and efficient media to transmit the effective advertising information.
摘 要:学生掌握好音标,养成靠音标读准单词、靠读音想音标拼出单词、自动运用把音标和单词进行比较的方法记单词等习惯,将终身受益。但是随着学习上拦路虎的增多,有时会对英语失去信心,以至于对学生毕业以后的工作有不利的影响,可见英语音标在初中英语教学中的重要作用。  关键词:初中教学;英语教育;音标;重要性  英语教学中的重点是英语口语及运用,学生的音标若没学好,那么学生就会发不准音,会给进一步学习英语造
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临沂市地处鲁东南,山区、丘陵占三分之二,小型水库众多,以农业灌溉为主,长期粗放养殖,天然鱼产量十分低下,有的单产不过几千克每亩。如在水库内采用施肥方式,则能增加水体中各种营养物质的数量,促进饵料生物的大量繁殖,为鱼类提供丰富的天然饵料,以保证最大限度地提高水体鱼产力。  一、有机肥、无机肥的特点:  1.一般水库中并不缺少钾和钙,关键是补充氮、磷。目前常用的无机肥主要是碳酸氢氨、尿素和过磷酸钙;有
摘 要:钢琴教学时,教师应用生动形象的语言帮助学生分析旋律所蕴含的情绪与思想,启发学生的创造性思维。通过准确的范奏,让学生充分感受音乐的内涵,然后让学生根据自己的感受去弹,充分发挥学生自己的感受。  关键词:幼儿;钢琴教育  科学研究表明,早期的音乐教育能够影响儿童正在发育的大脑,并能够提高他们的学习能力,有助于孩子的抽象思维能力、记忆力以及创造能力的开发。以钢琴为代表的键盘乐器是对孩子开发智力的
摘 要:创设和谐优美的教学情境,激发学生学习情趣,唤起学生主体意识,开发学生创新思维,促进学生和谐发展,以真正实现高中思想政治理论课和谐教育。  关键词:创设;教学情境;高职思政课;和谐教育  一、思想政治理论课和谐教育的内涵  和谐课堂是指从学生身心和谐发展需要出发,通过充分把握和巧妙运用各教学要素间既对立又统一的关系,优化教学行为,优化课堂中教学资源的配置,使各教学要素相互配合、相互补充、相互
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我们的生命历程中,得与失始终伴随一生。有俗语说:“有得必有失。”教育亦如此。其实,有失也必有得。正所谓,“塞翁失马,焉之非福。”当今天的语文课堂摒弃了最初的照本宣科,一改教参书与考试大纲统一天下的局面,而是把学生的眼光作为视角,让学生自主学习,身临其境,从而开创“以学为主,以教为辅”的新局面。  一、桃花尽日随流水,洞在清溪何处边  语文学习的最高境界是什么?我认为是“享受语文”。享受思考的成果,
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班级是学校教育教学的基本单位,也是班主任进行教育工作的依靠力量和组织保证,更是学生学习发展、走向未来美好前程的训练基地。班级管理,就是教育者和班级全体学生一道,为了既定的目标,在民主协商的基础上,通过组织、沟通、评价等手段,不断创新和整合班级管理资源,优化班级生态环境,促进沟通与合作,使学生能健康快乐地生活,积极主动,全面且个性化发展的过程。  在这一过程中,班主任作为班级的管理者,在班级中具有重