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开学前夕,来看望大家,希望在新的学年里党校工作出现新面貌。 党校的工作非常重要,党校同志们担负的任务很光荣也很繁重。全国党校校长会议,江泽民同志作了重要讲话,我们一定要认真贯彻落实。 当前,国际风云变幻,情况十分复杂。有两个突出的问题摆在我们面前:一是意识形态问题,一是接班人问题。这两个问题,无论从理论上还是实际上,都涉及到毛主席说的如何防止和平演变的问题。党校在这两个根本性的大问题上都处在第一线,是一块不可替代的阵地。马克思主义的理论研究和宣传教育,党校是第一线;培训领导干部, On the eve of the opening of school, I came to see everyone and hope that the work of Party School will show a new look in the new school year. The work of the party school is very important, and the tasks undertaken by the party school comrades are very glorious and very heavy. National Party School Presidents, Comrade Jiang Zemin made an important speech, we must conscientiously implement. At present, the international situation is changing and the situation is very complicated. There are two outstanding issues before us: one is the issue of ideology and the other is the problem of successors. Both of these two issues involve the theory of Mao Zedong and the issue of how to prevent the peaceful evolution, both theoretically and practically. Party schools are at the forefront of these two fundamental big issues and they are an irreplaceable position. Marxist theoretical research and propaganda and education, the party school is the first line; training of leading cadres,
目的 探讨BOPPPS教学方法结合3D打印骨模型在骨科教学中的应用.方法 选取2016年1月至2019年6月在我院骨科临床接受见习教学的五年制124人、八年制本科阶段60人及六年制留学生
A series of derivatives of pyridazine were designed through substituting hydrogens on the pyridazine ring with nitro groups.To explore the thermal stability of
Thermoelectric materials can directly achieve the conversion between heat and electricity,providing a clean and reliable way to alleviate energy crisis.However,