拆迁起矛盾 调解化纠纷

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北京市石景山区八宝山街道司法所充分发挥职能作用,积极采取措施化解因拆迁引发的矛盾纠纷,为政府和群众排忧解难,收到较好效果。去年初,鲁谷地区部分居民即将拆迁,由于群众对国家的拆迁政策知之甚少,群众的情绪波动较大,思想茫然,心中忐忑不安,亟须知道国家的有关拆迁政策。八宝山街道司法所在排查中得知这一情况后,立即深入社区,搜集社情民意,向地方政府提出了建议;同时 The judicial office of Babaoshan Street in Shijingshan District of Beijing fully played a functional role and took active measures to resolve the conflicts and disputes arising from the demolition so as to solve the problems for the government and the masses and received good results. At the beginning of last year, some residents in Lugu Area were about to demolish. As the masses have little understanding of the demolition policies of the country, the mood of the masses is volatile and the mind is in a dazed mood. Therefore, it is urgent to know the relevant demolition policies of the country. Babaoshan Street, after the investigation of justice that the situation, immediately in-depth community, collecting social conditions and public opinion, made recommendations to the local government; the same time
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从今年3月1日起,上海消费者协会“变脸”为消费者权益保护委员会,其独立性、公信力将进一步加强,消费者权益将得到更有力的保护。 From March 1 this year, the Shanghai Co