在新形势下,如何搞好玉米杂交种的生产管理?我认为应从以下几项工作入手: 一、严格种子生产许可证发放制度,搞好档案登记。各级种子管理部门,必须依照《中华人民共和国种子管理条例》,严格按照申请、考察、核实、评估、发证五步走的程序,来确定种子生产基地,发放生产许可证。
Under the new situation, how to do a good job of corn hybrid production management? I think we should start with the following work: First, strict system of seed production permit issuance, do a good job archives registration. Seed management departments at all levels must, in accordance with the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Seed Management”, strictly follow the procedures of applying, inspecting, verifying, assessing and issuing five-step procedures to determine the seed production base and issue production licenses.