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  其实,干任何事情都是有规律和方法的。这里我们向大家介绍几种玩游戏练习词汇的方法。大家不妨试一试,通过轻松的游戏形式来操练自己已掌握的单词,同时,也可以从其他的同学那里学到一些新的词汇。轻松游戏,快乐记忆!何乐而不为呢?Let’s begin!
  Letter game
  1. Last letter—first letter
  Students work in groups of four or more. Student A says a word, then Student B starts the next word with the last letter of the previous word.
  e.g. beautiful—library—yellow—west
  A. 规定音节数量,如:可规定每个单词必须有且只有两个音节。
  B. 规定词性,即要求所说单词必须为同一词性,如都要求是动词。
  C. 要求单词的字母个数,如:要求每个单词均由5个字母组成,或放宽要求,要求由4~6个字母组成。
  2. Odd word in a group
  Take a set of four or more words. Students should choose the odd one out. For example, there are four words“bird”,“pig”,“dog”,“chair”. The students should choose“chair”out, because the other three words are living, but a chair is not.
  此游戏需要学生说出选词的理由,最好用英语解释。答案也不是唯一的。如上题中,学生也可以选择“bird”, 理由是It has two legs and the others have four. 只要理由是合理的,选择任何一个都是可以接受的。
  None game
  3. Same or different
  This is similar to Exercise Two above.
  Dictate a list of nouns to the class or put them on the board or overhead-projector. Students work in pairs to find similarities or differences.
  As an example, take the words“stone, wood, stair, alarm, ceiling, roof, chimney”.
  Some possibilities:“You can make a house from both wood and stone. You can walk on a roof but not a ceiling.”
  Note that there are no correct answers.
  Give students one example to get them started.
  Both this exercise and the previous one can be done orally or in writing.
  4. The Egg-shell-fish game
  Play this in groups of four. Student A says a word; student B must say a word that either rhymes with the previous word or has a sense connection.
  So from“egg”progress to“leg”(rhymes) or to“shell”(egg-shell) but not to“jam”(no connection).
  If other students do not see a connection between two words, they can challenge. Allow five seconds per turn or a student loses a life.
  After losing three lives, a student must retire from the game.
  Phrase game
  5. Adjective game
  After teaching the rules for the adjective order, instruct students to describe.
  a)a house
  b)a birthday present for a classmate
  Students can work in pairs.
  Here are some examples:
  a)A ruined 16th century stone castle with high black wooden doors
  b)A short-sleeved long white cotton shirt with a flowery pattern
  Students write their phrases on the board so the class can check the adjective order.
  If you like, the class can vote for the most interesting place to visit / the most suitable present / the most beautiful article of clothing.
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同学们,“焦点访谈”节目和大家见面了,请关注本期节目。本期的焦点是:直接引语和间接引语。  【焦点一】什么是直接引语和间接引语?