Chiappeavis was the first to find anti-birds preserved with fan-shaped tail feathers, showing that the structure of the cauda-bulb corbicula has developed in more primitive anti-birds. A detailed description of skeletal morphological features of C. magnaprecogniatus positive specimens. The palatopraxia of Chechnya is similar to Archeopteryx and differs from Gobipteryx in late Cretaceous. Even with the caudal bulb coronet, the penguin caudal bone morphology also suggests that the structure is poorly developed. The buoyancy caused by fan-shaped tail feathers in Cheetahs was estimated and compared with other Early Cretaceous birds. The results show that the air buoyancy produced by Cheetah’s fan-shaped tail feathers is less than that of present-day birds, which may explain the generally lack of aerodynamic-functional tail feathers in anti-birds.