
来源 :国外医学.计划生育妇产科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ycdyjlc
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卵巢可发生多种恶性肿瘤,但发病机理、治疗要求及预后彼此各异。治疗方案主要根据肿瘤类型、分化程度及肿瘤范围,其次是患者年龄、一般状况及以往的治疗。卵巢癌分上皮、胚细胞癌及间质性肿瘤。上皮癌的分级:分化良好、中等分化及分化不良。后者预后恶劣。但组织学分类特别是分级常带有主观性,同一标本,不同病理学者常给以不同解释,造成临床工作者的困难。因预后及治疗方案均需根据肿瘤的级别而定,肿瘤的分期也是决定预后及治疗的重要因素。卵巢癌的初次诊断及其范围在开腹时经常不能确定,故探查时不能只限于卵巢及盆腔脏器,需彻底探查整个腹腔,观察肝及右膈,腹水及冲洗液查癌细胞,提倡自腹膜、子宫直肠窝、肠系膜根部、右膈、肝包膜、大网、腹主动脉旁和盆腔淋巴结以及可 Ovary can occur a variety of malignant tumors, but the pathogenesis, treatment requirements and prognosis differ from each other. Treatment options mainly based on tumor type, degree of differentiation and tumor size, followed by the patient’s age, general condition and previous treatment. Epithelial ovarian cancer, blastoma and interstitial tumors. Epithelial cancer classification: well-differentiated, moderately differentiated and poorly differentiated. The latter has a poor prognosis. However, histological classification, especially graded often with subjectivity, the same specimen, different pathology often give different interpretations, causing clinical difficulties. Due to the prognosis and treatment options are based on the level of the tumor, the tumor stage is also an important factor in prognosis and treatment. The initial diagnosis of ovarian cancer and its scope in the open often can not be determined, so the exploration can not be limited to ovarian and pelvic organs, the need to thoroughly explore the entire abdominal cavity, observe the liver and the right diaphragm, ascites and irrigation fluid check cancer cells, Peritoneum, uterine rectal fossa, mesenteric root, right diaphragm, hepatic capsule, macrocephaly, abdominal aortic and pelvic lymph nodes and
作者报告2例在巴氏染色阴道涂片上,观察到蛔虫卵及蛲虫卵。例1,45岁,大量恶臭分泌物及腰骶部疼痛。检查发现子宫颈后唇有易碎、直径小于1 cm的病变。在取自后穹窿有浸润癌的
应用静脉麻醉及肌肉松弛药行剖腹产术,目前国内较少使用。1977年8月到1979年4月,我们在突尼斯工作期间,采用巴黎药厂生产的硫喷妥钠(Pentothol Nestonal)加肌肉松弛剂三碘季
21-羟化酶缺陷所致先天性肾上腺增生的特征是皮质醇分泌不足、血浆雄激素及促孕复合物(Progestational Compounds)水平过高,并有醛固酮分泌不足。在治疗中,判断雄激素分泌情