Analysis and seismic tests of composite shear walls with CFST columns and steel plate deep beams

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kfcgen
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A composite shear wall concept based on concrete filled steel tube(CFST)columns and steel plate(SP)deep beams is proposed and examined in this study.The new wall is composed of three different energy dissipation elements:CFST columns;SP deep beams;and reinforced concrete(RC)strips.The RC strips are intended to allow the core structural elements-the CFST columns and SP deep beams-to work as a single structure to consume energy.Six specimens of different configurations were tested under cyclic loading.The resulting data are analyzed herein.In addition,numerical simulations of the stress and damage processes for each specimen were carried out,and simulations were completed for a range of location and span-height ratio variations for the SP beams.The simulations show good agreement with the test results.The core structure exhibits a ductile yielding mechanism characteristic of strong column-weak beam structures,hysteretic curves are plump and the composite shear wall exhibits several seismic defense lines.The deformation of the shear wall specimens with encased CFST column and SP deep beam design appears to be closer to that of entire shear walls.Establishing optimal design parameters for the configuration of SP deep beams is pivotal to the best seismic behavior of the wall.The new composite shear wall is therefore suitable for use in the seismic design of building structures. A composite shear wall concept based on concrete filled steel tube (CFST) columns and steel plate (SP) deep beams is proposed and examined in this study. The new wall is composed of three different energy dissipation elements: CFST columns; SP deep beams; and reinforced concrete (RC) strips. The RC strips are intended to allow the core structural elements-the CFST columns and SP deep beams-to work as a single structure to consume energy. Six specimens of different configurations were tested under cyclic loading. resulting data are all analyzed here. In addition, numerical simulations of the stress and damage processes for each specimen were carried out, and simulations were completed for a range of locations and span-height ratio variations for the SP beams. The simulations show good agreement with the test results. core of exhibits a ductile yielding mechanism characteristic of strong column-weak beam structures, hysteretic curves are plump and the composite shear wall exhibits several seism ic defense lines.The deformation of the shear wall specimens with encased CFST column and SP deep beam design appear to be closer to that of the entire shear walls.Establishing optimal design parameters for the configuration of SP deep beams is pivotal to the best seismic behavior of the wall.The new composite shear wall is suitable for use in the seismic design of building structures.
编者推荐辞:在中学语文教材中,鲁迅先生的作品有好几篇入选。陈建忠先生将《药》《孔乙己》《阿Q正传》《狂人日记》等作品中的“看客”们集中到一起,旁征博引,条分缕析,精辟论及,异彩纷呈,成一家之言。基于此,我向读者朋友推荐这篇文章。  在鲁迅小说的人物画廊中,看客形象是极其重要的一部分。鲁迅收入《呐喊》《彷徨》的25篇小说中几乎三分之二的小说都不同程度地勾勒、描绘了看客形象,其描写的看客人物众多,层次
本文论述了体育高考的重要性,特别论述了体育高考对高中体育教学的导向作用,并且针对体育高考中出现的常见问题提出了初步的改进建议和对策。 This article discusses the i