
来源 :中国戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:grasskeeper
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这是一次打破常规、敢想敢干、奋勇进取的戏曲“突围”尝试。对于中国戏剧来说,真正面临危机的可能主要是戏曲;对于广东戏剧来说,真正面临危机的可能主要是粤剧。在今天的社会情势下,戏曲或粤剧正无情地遭到冷落。但人们无法苛责社会、苛责观众、苛责“全球化”。穆罕默德说,山不为我移,只能我移。戏曲或粤剧之路,就是适应社会,变革图存,或曰“突围”:体制上,通过调整生产关系来解放生产力;创作上,一方面适应市场的需要,一方面生产自己的消费者;运作上,改变在计划经济体制下形成的市场销售方式,以现代营销观念进行市场推广。鉴于此,广州粤剧团做了一次戏曲“突围”的尝试。 This is an attempt to break through the routine, dare to think courageously and brave and enterprising. For Chinese drama, the real crisis may be mainly drama; for the theater in Guangdong, the real crisis may be mainly Cantonese opera. In today’s social situation, opera or Cantonese opera is mercilessly neglected. But people can not blame the community, blame the audience, blame “globalization.” Muhammad said that the mountain is not moving for me, only I can move. The way of opera or Cantonese opera is to adapt to the society and change the picture or to say “break through”: on the system, to free up the productive forces by adjusting the relations of production; on the one hand, to meet the needs of the market on the one hand and to produce one’s own consumers on the one hand; On the change in the planned economy formed under the market sales, marketing concepts to modern marketing. In view of this, Guangzhou Opera Troupe made a drama “breakthrough” attempt.
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