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  I could never do it.And it’s not the excruciating pain and weeks of bruising, or even the churning “I’m gonna hurl” feeling I get when watching medical procedures (whether real or fake), that sways me towards staying in my natural state. I simply don’t see the need to go under the knife. I’m happy the way I am, and ready to accept the way my body changes.
  Now, I have nothing against those people who decide they need some “enhancing”. If you want bigger (or smaller) boobs, go for it! Think that bump in your nose needs some straightening out? Well, I’m not going to stand in your way. But I still struggle to figure out the motivation behind it all. Are these people seeking happiness and hoping to attract a sexy young thing? And if so, how is that working out?
  This month, we explore opposing views on the matter of cosmetic surgery to better understand what beauty means to different people. Knife Life gives us insight into China’s surprisingly liberal stance on plastic surgery and the world of Shi Sanba, the owner of a Beijing clinic, who spills some juicy details. But it’s not all gloss and glamour; the article also highlights potential risks that are attached to the cosmetic surgery industry.
  Cover Lie looks at the relationship between the media and the standards of beauty they present to the world. Are we really more likely to buy a magazine if Angelina Jolie is Photoshopped to perfection? (I’m pretty sure she was perfect to begin with.) And if so, what does that say about us?
  Of course, there are those women who don’t need any help from computers or doctors to look better. And Natural Women Are the Most Beautiful Ones examines these women who are not Barbies, and tells us why men should like it that way.
  Perhaps the most honest exploration of the topic can be found in How Important Is Physical Beauty?—the title says it all. And it’s a question we should all ask ourselves.
  我是绝对做不了的。不是因为受不了剧痛和术后数星期的瘀肿,也不是看着手术场面(无论真假)时 “我要吐了”这种闹心感觉,以上种种都不是令我倾向保持“真我”的原因。我只是单纯地觉得没有必要在自己身上动刀。我就是喜欢我现在的模样,也愿意直面“韶华流逝”的现实。
I had 2)envisaged a quiet time of reading and sleeping; our couple of days in southern Laos would be spent cruising 100 miles up the 3)Mekong in a pretty, old 4)teak boat. I was mistaken. Wonderfully
When Miles and I decided to live together, I asked him if his mother, Terry, would be upset. Miles would graduate from flight school in a few months, and the Army would be sending him to 1)Fort Bragg,
I was sitting in a bathtub full of 1)moldy2)sheetrock when my 13-year-old son asked the question. “Can you take me golfing sometime?” he said.  I had a bathroom to remodel. It was fall, and the foreca
2009年年初,CE编辑部曾举办过“2009游学之旅有奖征文活动”,其中大学组的写作题目是“My Favorite Film”。小编在审稿过程中发现,着实有不少的读者都被《肖申克的救赎》这部电影所深深感动。小编也不例外,看了好几次,每次都不禁感叹——原来人的意志力可以这么强大!一个无辜的人能够在27年痛苦的监狱生活里不放弃对自由的向往,每天晚上都用一把小锤去凿人家认为几百年也不可能凿穿的墙,这是怎
The trigger and the ring around the trigger were 1)rubbed down into the deeper skin of brass, where the oil of the hands was still built in waves. The sight down the groove of the barrels was still pe
Beauty can be its own 1)glass ceiling.  美丽也是一种“玻璃天花板”。    Before I defend plainness as a career strategy, let me 2)concede that we should all strive to be3)leggy, 4)doe-eyed, and beautiful. It certain
Most people think they can tell who is lying from the eyes of the other person, but I’m here to show you 6 different gestures which are all linked to lying and tell you the hidden meaning of them, so
相比起单纯的商品推销,当下营销更注重“产品文化”的推销,因为文化渗透所产生的效力更持久,精明的商家深谙此理。“畅爽开怀”,这是可口可乐公司在营销策略上开辟的一条新路——对自己的品牌只字不提,而是通过音乐将自己的“产品文化”广而“播”之。当你哼着那些琅琅上口的小调时,那应该是商家高兴的时候了,因为这就是“产品文化”的力量所在。  ——Mac    Commercials for Coca-Cola