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  I had 2)envisaged a quiet time of reading and sleeping; our couple of days in southern Laos would be spent cruising 100 miles up the 3)Mekong in a pretty, old 4)teak boat. I was mistaken. Wonderfully mistaken. “Bye! Bye! Bye!” was the endless 5)refrain, as groups of tiny children, some in twos and threes, some in their dozens, stood waving at us and practicing their one word of English from the banks. Or from small carved wooden boats. Or, on one occasion, from the top of a giant tree, before they all jumped one after the other into the waters below.
  To read or to 6)snooze would have been to fail to wave back at the hundreds of small, smiling faces. That, one felt, would be letting down the children of Laos. On the last day, one fellow passenger laughed delightedly as she showed me the two pages she had read of the 400-page7)doorstop she had been planning to finish.
  It was just another example of what makes this mountainous 8)sliver of a country—squeezed between its bigger, louder neighbors, Thailand, Vietnam, and China—such a remarkable place to visit. Laotian people, whatever their age, are some of the loveliest I have ever encountered. Laotians today seem happy with what little they have—theirs is one of the poorest countries in the world—and largely unconcerned by the 9)mucky business of making money, as well as many other aspects of modernity. This is the kind of country where most Lao women still wear the traditional tube skirt, together with a neatly tailored jacket, just as most Lao families still live in traditional wooden houses on 10)stilts and work in the11)rice paddies.
  Cars are a comparatively rare sight; bicycles and water buffalo, in contrast, are 12)ubiquitous. 13)Scooters are the transport of choice for the well-off, a brightly patterned umbrella 14)nonchalantly held in one hand when the sun is hot or the rain is falling. Its rural landscape in the months from November to January is 15)eye-poppingly 16)verdant and 17)picturesque. But equally 18)beguiling is Luang Prabang, now a Unesco World Heritage Site, a 19)pinch-yourself perfect 20)time capsule of a French colonial town, caught in a 21)fork between the Mekong and Nam Khan rivers. Its main streets are filled with pretty French-built stone buildings with wooden 22)fretwork balconies and terraces, its residential streets are lined with traditional raised Laotian wooden houses with their 23)sweeping24)gables.
  Here and there is the occasional temple, most memorably the tiny Wat Paa Huak, which has orange walls covered with stunning 25)murals depicting26)exotica such as white tigers. Looking down on the other temples is Wat Chom Si, which 27)perches on a rocky 28)outcrop next to the main street. Outside it, women sell birds in tiny pink-dyed bamboo birdcages; release a bird and your wish will come true. A couple of hours upriver are two more unusual temples, hidden in caves carved out of the cliffs by the Mekong millennia ago. In each are hundreds of gilded Buddhas of all different sizes, left by worshippers. Some are 29)intricate, 30)immaculately carved, big and grand. Others are31)lopsided, as small as a chess piece, or a thimble, and 32)squiffy-eyed, as if they have availed themselves of too much of the local 33)rice whisky. The higher of the two caves, a steep climb up 200 steps, is dark and at first seems empty. But with a torch, suddenly the Buddhas 34)transmogrify 35)en masse, a magical entity dazzling out of the darkness.
  Back in Luang Prabang, at dawn the spiritually inclined—along with the more dedicated visitors—kneel along the length of the main street with offerings of rice for the 36)crocodiles of passing orange-37)clad monks. To each you must offer a handful from your tip khao—the traditional woven bamboo pot. Next on the morning to-do list for locals is the market, which snakes along a narrow street in the centre of town. There are plenty of peculiar things for sale—squirrels, 38)assorted rodents, crickets—but the main focus is fish and shellfish, particularly the small pinky-orange Mekong crabs, which are strung on large hoops of bamboo as if on some mermaid-39)gaoler’s key ring. And then there are the vegetables: neat, abundant piles of 40)morning glory and 41)watercress, and so-called river weeds (a Mekong speciality). Everywhere you look there are mini-mountains of chillies and limes, both key ingredients in the national dish of laap, a spicy 42)minced meat or fish salad.
  The eating houses of Luang Prabang are the best in the country. Here is the place to try out a cuisine that is much-loved in neighbouring Thailand—but difficult to find elsewhere in the world. Plus, its stylish, tourist-targeted shops bear dangerous testimony to the country’s French past; as well as pretty antiques there are tasteful modern 43)reworkings of old textiles and 44)objet trouvé (particularly 45)covetable are the silver tip khao).
  But, this being Laos, you only need to cross the river to forget about shops and restaurants, about modernity itself. Hire a bicycle in town and 46)hitch a ride with a local boatman for a couple of dollars, and you can cycle out into the paddy fields and villages. Stop occasionally to watch the locals playing their version of 47)boules, or marvel at a tiny child atop a bicycle built for someone three times their size, or another child skillfully 48)cleaving a chicken in the yard. Glimpse a mother rocking her baby in a cradle strung between the stilts under the house, or watch a farmer and his family constantly bent, it seems, in the rice paddies. And then when you cycle back to the river bank, the boatman is waiting for you. And he is, of course, smiling.
  这里随处可见寺庙,最令人印象深刻的是那座小小的帕华可寺,那里橙色的墙上有各色慑人的壁画,描绘着白虎这类珍禽异兽。接着来看另一所寺庙——宗西寺,它坐落在主街旁那片石崖上。庙门外有妇女售卖装在粉红色小竹笼里的小鸟,放生一只小鸟你的愿望就会实现。沿着河流乘船逆行两个小时,就可以来到另外两座非同一般的寺庙,它们建在湄公河边岩壁上凿出的岩洞里,已经有千年历史了。每座寺庙里都有几百尊不同尺寸的镀金佛像,这些都是香客捐塑的。有些佛像雕刻精美,尺寸巨大。有些则倾斜着,像一枚棋子或顶针那样细小,醉眼朦胧的,仿佛它们喝了太多 本地米酒。到较高的那个岩洞去要爬上200级陡峭的台阶,洞里光线很暗,初看像是空空如也。但是用电筒一照,佛像突然齐齐显现了,在黑暗中神奇地发出耀眼的光芒。
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