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岁末年初,济南市数万中青年知识分子和专业技术人员奔走相告传诵着一个令人激动的消息:他们中700多位佼佼者经过严格评审被晋升高级职称,其中35岁以下的有130位。他们纷纷反映:这件事真正体现了党和政府不拘一格选拔人才的知识分子政策,使我们看到了希望。 这次职称评审,济南市符合晋升高级职称条件者达7000余人,其中多数是在各行业挑大梁的中青年业务技术骨干,而实际指标只有600多个,僧多粥少的矛盾十分突出。如按先来后到,论资排辈,势必埋没一批资历虽浅但业绩突出的优秀中青年人才。针对这种情况,市委、市政府在认真调查研究的基础上,明确了从实际出发,既讲资历学历,更看重真才实学和业绩贡献,不拘一格,择优而评的评审原则。 为此,在评审中,一是实行评聘分开,对晋升不作数量和年龄上的限制,规定只要符合晋升条件,评审合格,有多少晋升多少,从而彻底解除了中青年科技人员因数额限制排队等待晋升的顾虑。据了解,此举使全市符合条件的中青年专业技术人员几乎全部得到晋升。 At the beginning of the year and the beginning of this year, tens of thousands of young and middle-aged intellectuals and professional and technical personnel in Jinan City traveled and told an exciting news: more than 700 of them have been strictly assessed to be promoted to senior titles, among which 130 under the age of 130 Bit. They all reflected that this incident truly embodies the intellectual policy of the party and the government in their ability to singularly select qualified personnel so that we can see hope. The job title review, Jinan City, who meet the conditions for promotion of senior titles reached more than 7,000 people, most of whom are young and middle-aged in the industry to play a leading role in the backbone of the business, while the actual indicators are only more than 600, more arrogance contradictions are prominent. For example, according to the first come after, seniority seniority, it is bound to bury a group of outstanding senior but outstanding outstanding young talent. In response to this situation, the municipal government on the basis of careful investigation and study, made it clear that starting from the reality, both qualifications and qualifications, pay more attention to the real talent and performance contribution, eclectic, merit and evaluation of the evaluation principle. To this end, in the assessment, one is the implementation of separate appraisal, the promotion does not make the number and age restrictions, as long as the qualifications to meet the conditions of promotion, passing the number of how much promotion, which completely lifted due to the number of young and middle-aged technical staff line up Waiting for promotion concerns. It is understood that this move made the city’s qualified young professionals and technicians almost all be promoted.
陆游是南宋著名诗人,也是文学史上以好勇乐战闻名的诗人。陆游的尚武意识发轫很早,据史料记载,他在早年任枢密院编修官期间,特别是孝宗 Lu You is a famous poet in the So
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