【摘 要】
Why do I have to flyOver every town up and down the line?I'll die in the clouds aboveAnd you that I defend[防护], I do not love*I wake up, it's a bad dreamNo one on my sideI was fightingBut I just feel
Why do I have to fly
Over every town up and down the
I'll die in the clouds above
And you that I defend[防护],
I do not love
*I wake up, it's
a bad dream
No one on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
To be fighting
Guess I't not
the fighting kind*
Where will I meet my fate[命运]?
Baby I't a
man, I was born to hate
And when will I meet my end?
In a better time you could be my
**Wouldn't mind
If you were by my side
But you'te long gone
Yeah you'te long gone now
Where do we go?
I don't even
My strange old face
And I't thinking
about those days
And I't thinking about those days
大一那年,我正在修读职业课程,交朋结友,享受生活,但是没过多久,我的整个世界变得一片混乱——我经历了一次心脏病发。心脏病发作的感觉就像有人用刀不断地刺进我的胸口,疼痛难耐。病发之后的几个星期,我一直待在医院,接受了很多测试,找了很多医生看病。他们叫我“轻松一点”,就像医生经常挂在嘴边的话一样。 经过三个月的休养,我回到学校,随后的情况却急转直下。在奶奶家住时,一天半夜醒来,我感觉胸口一阵剧痛。我
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可以毫不夸张地说,高达(一译“钢弹”)系列作品就是日本人的《星球大战》,其中寄托了他们对机器人、武器、战争和人类未来的思考。从1979年第一部系列动画诞生至今,每一代高达的面世必定会引起广泛关注,其动画也必定稳居当年收视排行榜的前列。距离上一套SEED DESTINY系列整整三年之后,一部全新的高达动画将于今年10月首播—— A 15-second trailer[预告片] broadcas
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