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  在2014年7月10日于北京举行的共同政策和关系战略对话中,中美双方就减少温室气体排放量签订了八项合作协议。美国国务卿约翰·克里称,其中四项协议涉及碳开采、使用和储存方面的技术交流,另外四项则针对智能电网供电。在第六轮美中战略经济对话之后,双方召开了记者招待会,会上克里称,气候变化已成为一个燃眉之急,两国都决定采取燃料方面的最高标准。“我们希望借这些共同措施传达一个明确的信息:作为世界上最大的温室气体排放国,两国已开始携手通过减少碳排放量来促进经济增长。”两国间的伙伴关系和共识将成为明年双方签署全球气候协议取代京都议定书的一个决定因素。美国一直对京都议定书的部分内容不大认可,因为其中未规定发展中国家减少碳排放的要求。克里说,“作为世界上的两大能源消耗国,中美在减少排量和未来清洁能源发展中会发挥决定性作用。”有一点使得两国在签署协议过程中受阻,即:美国不接受中国提出的发达国家建立金融机制帮助贫穷国家减排的要求。克里说,“我们的目的不是由一国约束另一国,而是科学本身对各方提出的要求,我们在这一方面已经花费了两天的努力。”周三、周四在北京举行了美中战略经济对话,会上高层官员就网络安全、经济合作,朝鲜、伊朗、伊拉克、叙利亚和南苏丹等国家的局势等问题进行了讨论。China and the US have signed eight partnership accords in Beijing aimed at reducing the emission of polluting greenhouse gases on July 10th, 2014 in strategic dialogues held on mutual policy and relationship in Beijing.Four of the eight agreements deal with the exchange of technology regarding the exploitation, use and storage of carbon, while the other four are about smart grid electricity supply, according to US Secretary of State John Kerry.In a joint press conference following the sixth round of the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, where climate change has been one of the burning issues, Kerry said that both countries have decided to adopt the highest standards for fuels."With these joint measures we hope to send a clear message: two countries with the largest emission of greenhouse gases in the world have come together to promote economic growth with lower carbon emissions." The partnership and consensus between the two nations will be a determining factor for the signing, next year, of a global climate agreement to substitute the Kyoto Protocol.Parts of the Kyoto Protocol have not been ratified by the US because it does not require developing countries to reduce their carbon emissions."Being the two biggest consumers of energy in the world, China and the US together have a determining role in the reduction of emissions and the development of a future with clean energy," Kerry added.One of the points of friction between the two countries in reaching an agreement has been US reluctance to Chinese demands on developed countries to establish financial mechanisms to help poorer nations reduce emissions."It is not about one country obliging another, but it is science itself that demands this from all of us, we have been working these two days in this regard," Kerry said.The US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue took place Wednesday and Thursday in Beijing with meetings between high officials on topics such as cyber-security, economic cooperation or the situation in countries like North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Syria and South Sudan. (Source: Beijing Today, Global Times, EFE, yahoonews)
Bulgaria is a country located in the Southeastern Balkan Peninsula, Europe. It is called the “Country of Roses”. To maintain this reputation, the Bulgarian government has invested a lot in environment
“电动汽车不再是幻想,而将成为现实。”——德国汽车工业协会主席马蒂亚斯·韦斯曼  “未来的新能源汽车不是在日本,也不是在中国制造,而是在美国”。——美国总统奥巴马
北极熊作为气候变化的指向动物而被熟知,但它们主要生活在北极冰层,很少有人有机会在野外看到它们。  谷歌与北极熊国际协会开展新的合作,意在将引人入胜和近在咫尺的北极熊生活带入全球的千家万户和学校。这项在国际北极熊日当天发起的项目,主要集中在加拿大哈德孙湾沿岸马尼托巴湖的丘吉尔港(北极熊迁徙的必经之路),被称为“世界北极熊之都”。  每年秋季,数百只北极熊聚集在丘吉尔港周围的苔原地带,等待港湾结冰,然
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虽然新能源汽车的发展遭受了安全性能、配套设施、价格太贵、使用不便等诸多质疑和拷问。可喜的是,21世纪以来,面对气候恶化、石油危机和节能减排压力,美国、日本、欧盟为代表的国家和地区纷纷发布实施新能源汽车发展战略,推行低碳理念,大力推动新能源汽车产业的发展。  2008年以来,受金融危机影响,各国政府加快步伐扶持新能源汽车,以降低能源的消耗给经济带来的严重负担,并在新能源汽车发展产业标准上有了更严格的
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