
来源 :无机化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heixue5555
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A novel coordination polymer[Zn(N 3 ) 2 (bpp)] n [bpp =1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)-propane]was synthesized at room temperature and structurally chara cterized by means of X-ray single cry stal diffraction.The results show t hat the polymer exhibits a linear chain stru cture;the Zn-Zn distance is 12.235?.Each Zn?ion is coordinated by two nitrogen atoms from bpp ligands and t wo nitrogen atoms from azido(N 3- )groups,the coordination geometry o f Zn?ion is a slightly distorted tetrahed ron,the angles around Zn?ions are from 103.27°to 121.37°.In t he solid-state structure of the polyme r,the linear chains are stacked with parallel mode along a direction.Moreover,between adjacent chains,there areπ-πinteractions between pyridine rings,which are arranged in face-to-face fashion with interplanar distances of av.3.821?.CCDC:189591. A novel coordination polymer [Zn (N 3) 2 (bpp)] n [bpp = 1,3-bis (4-pyridyl) -propane] was synthesized at room temperature and structurally chara cterized by means of X-ray single cry stal diffraction.The results show that t hat the polymer exhibits a linear chain structure. The Zn-Zn distance is 12.235 ~ .Each Zn ion is coordinated by two nitrogen atoms from bpp ligands and t wo nitrogen atoms from azido (N 3-) groups, the coordination geometry of Zn? ion is a slightly distorted tetrahedron, the angles around Zn? ions are from 103.27 ° to 121.37 ° .In t he solid-state structure of the polyme r, the linear chains are stacked with parallel mode along a direction. Moreover, between adjacent chains, there areπ-πinteractions between pyridine rings, which are arranged in face-to-face fashion with interplanar distances of av.3.821 · .CCDC: 189591.
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【内容摘要】说起政治课,大多数人的感受往往是乏味无趣,这是因为在过去的政治教学过程中所采用的教学方法不得当:学生仅仅是机械的去记忆课本的知识;教师对学生所掌握知识的了解也往往是看学生的记忆程度。学生虽然对课本的内容进行了记忆,但是并不理解知识的深刻内涵。这阻碍了教学水平的提升,也间接地造成学生不会自主的去获取知识、学习知识。  【关键词】自主学习 高中政治 能力培养  经过教育工作者的多年实践发现
“同学们,恭喜你们成功通过了测试。下面我们……”  听到这儿,悬着的心终于放了下来,我不禁长舒一口气。  記忆回到30分钟前……  “同学们,安静!由于游泳课只有30个名额,今天来了80个人,所以要淘汰50个!”  叽叽喳喳一片。  “那么不会游泳的人有吗?”  一片肃静。  “只能游蛙泳,不会自由泳的有吗?”  稀稀拉拉举起了几只手。  “你们可以走了,其他人进馆,一会儿测试!”  10分钟后—