三星SyncMaster 763mb显示器测试

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在目前市面上众多的17寸纯平显示器当中,三星显示器因为出色的文本显示能力及较低廉的价格一直是家庭和办公装机方案中销售量最大的显示器明星品牌。最令人印象深刻的是三星显示器产品根据定位和类型有经济型、个性化风格型和专业类几种分别,采用了不同档次的“丹娜”显像管和外型设计以满足不同用户的需求,产品划分之细,品种之多,是众多大牌显示器厂家中所不多见的。目前三星仍然在推出新款的17寸纯平显示器,三星SyncMaster 763mb就是一款定位在经济型档次的新品。改进与期望 从三星SyncMaster 763mb的产品型号名上我们就可 Among the many 17-inch flat-panel monitors currently on the market, Samsung monitors have been the largest-selling monitor star brand in home and office installed solutions due to their excellent text display capabilities and lower prices. The most impressive is the Samsung monitor products according to the positioning and type of economy, personalized style and professional class were several different grades of “Dana” CRT and exterior design to meet the needs of different users, Product division of the fine, as many varieties, many large-scale display manufacturers are rare. Currently Samsung is still introducing the new 17-inch flat screen monitor, the Samsung SyncMaster 763mb is a new product positioned in the economy class. Improvements and expectations From the Samsung SyncMaster 763mb model name we can
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随着系统成本和功耗进一步降低以及产品性能的提高,无线短距离消费电子市场正高速成长。 With the further reduction of system cost and power consumption and the impro