细菌性痢疾是部队发病率较高的肠道传染病,其中慢性菌痢病例是人群中经常存在的传染源,为了积极探索慢性菌痢的治疗,近年来我们采用中药加激素保留罐肠法,共治疗35例慢性菌痢,取得了满意了近期疗效,总结如下: 一、临床资料分析: 性别、男性32例,女性3例。 年龄:18~25岁18例,25~35岁11例,35岁以上6例。 病程:2~6个月者3例,6月~1年者4例,1~2年者11例,2~10年者15例,10年以上者2例。
Bacillary dysentery is a high incidence of infectious diseases of the army, of which chronic dysentery cases are the source of infection in the population often, in order to actively explore the treatment of chronic bacillary dysentery in recent years we use traditional Chinese medicine plus hormone retention enema, A total of 35 cases of chronic dysentery were treated and satisfactory results were obtained. The results are summarized as follows: First, clinical data analysis: gender, 32 males and 3 females. Age: 18 to 18 years old, 25 to 35 years in 11 cases, 6 cases over 35 years old. Course of disease: 2 to 6 months in 3 cases, 6 months to 1 year in 4 cases, 1 to 2 years in 11 cases, 2 to 10 years in 15 cases, more than 10 years in 2 cases.