
来源 :艺术学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andalee
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苏州美术画赛会由颜文樑等六位画家于1918年在苏州发起,并于1919年1月1日宣告成立的一个美术团体。该画会是20世纪上半叶在我国持续时间较长、影响较大的画会之一,所举办的美术展览是我国现当代美术史上第一个全国性的美展。本文阐述了这段时期绘画社团的整体情况,着重分析了苏州美术画赛会成立的动因。通过对苏州美术画赛会史料的整理和勘误,重新梳理了苏州美术画赛会的历史发展脉络,呈现这个画会在各个历史阶段的活动状况,阐明该画会与颜文樑发起的相关艺术活动之间的关系。同时分析该画会对苏州美术专科学校的成立所起到的至关重要的作用,以及该画会所举办的美展对社会产生的影响。本文期待通过对苏州美术画赛会的研究,揭示这段鲜为人知的史实,从提高对该社团在我国近现代美术史上的地位及价值的认识。 The Suzhou Fine Art Competition was started by six painters Yan Wenliang and other artists in Suzhou in 1918 and was announced on January 1, 1919. The painting is one of the most influential paintings in China in the first half of the 20th century. The art exhibition held is the first national art exhibition in the history of modern and contemporary Chinese art. This article elaborates the overall situation of the painting societies during this period and focuses on the motivation for the establishment of the Suzhou Art Competition. Through the collation and corrigendum of the historical materials of the Suzhou Art Exhibition, the history of the Suzhou Art Competition was recaptured, showing the activities of the painting at various historical stages and clarifying the relationship between the painting and the related artistic activities sponsored by Yan Wenliang relationship. At the same time, it analyzes the crucial role that the painting will play in the establishment of Suzhou Art College and the social impact of the art exhibition organized by the painting club. This article looks forward to revealing this little-known historical fact through the study of the Suzhou Fine Art Competition and from understanding how to improve the status and value of the society in the history of modern and contemporary art in our country.
“《新摄影》10年”的参展艺术家大都集中在北京。展览的组织者荣荣和映里同大部分艺术家进行了面对面的访谈。对于不能参加访谈的艺术家,组织者向他们发放了问卷。 “” N
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