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一、案情简介:1985年10月27日晚10时30分,某单位车队驾驶员钱某驾驶一辆小轿车由西向东驶至公路交通隧道口时,车辆发生故障,钱用下坡的惯性发动,未能成功,便擅自将轿车推至隧道底部右侧停放,轿车宽1.77米,右侧距人行道边沿0.34米,共占车行道2.11米(隧道系双行车行道,宽度9米,单侧为4.5米)。之后,钱未采取措施将车拖走。次日清晨7时20分,公共交通驾驶员赵某驾驶大型公共汽车由西向东驶入该隧道时,明知隧道底停有抛锚的轿车(赵当日上早班后已来回二次经过隧道),仍违反《城市交通规则》第13条和《汽车运用技术规范》的规定,下坡时踏掉离合器,熄火滑行,时速超过30公里,行至距停放在隧道底部的轿车10余米处,见对面另一辆公共汽车驶来,赵又违反《汽车运用技术规 I. Brief introduction of the case: At 10:30 on October 27, 1985, when a driver of a fleet of vehicles, Qian, drives a car from west to east to the entrance of a highway traffic tunnel, the vehicle fails and money goes downhill Launched, unsuccessful, they will be pushed to the bottom of the tunnel to the right of the parked car, the car is 1.77 meters wide, right side of the sidewalk from the edge of 0.34 meters, a total of 2.11 meters of the roadway (tunnel double carriageway, width 9 meters, single Side of 4.5 meters). After that, money did not take measures to tow away the car. At 7:20 the next morning, when Zhao Ming, a public transport driver, was driving a large bus into the tunnel from west to east, he knew that there was a sedimented car at the bottom of the tunnel (Zhao went back and forth twice through the tunnel early on the same day) Still violates the provisions of Article 13 of the “Urban Traffic Rules” and “Technical Specifications for the Operation of Vehicles”, when the vehicle is offhill, the clutch is turned off and the vehicle slips off at a speed of more than 30 kilometers per hour to reach more than 10 meters away from the sedan parked at the bottom of the tunnel Opposite another bus approaching, Zhao violated the "car use of technical regulations
华东攻法学院古籍听编写的《唐大诏令集》和《历代名案夫观》两书近日出版。 Huadong attack law school ancient books to listen to compilation of “Tang Dazhindu” a
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<正> 一、法律教育的重要一个国家的建设,虽有赖于多方面的配合,如国防、内政、经济、社会等,无一不居于重要地位,但法学与文教却无疑为两个主要的基石。从一方面言,国家的存在与任何方面的发展,必须以秩序与安定为先决条件,此则非有完善的法律制度不为功,法学因此成为不可或缺的一个基本要素。从另一方面言,国家与社会的进步,原以提高其国民的知识与文化素质为根本,因此教育又成为必须具备的原动力。国家的形成或政权的建立,其初固常依赖武力或类似的强制力来维护秩序,但这种秩序
本文研究了雷公藤内酯醇(triptolide,TP)对人前列腺癌LNCa P细胞内雄激素受体(androgen receptor,AR)表达影响的作用机制。采用实时定量PCR和Western blot方法检测TP处理后LN