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江泽民总书记去年12月在天津视察时说:武清县后蒲棒村的工作,给我留下了深刻印象。这个村的党支部说话有人听,为什么有人听?中国有句古话,叫做“上梁不正下梁歪,中梁不正就倒下来”;己不正焉能正人?身教重于言教。我是老念这个“经”的。后蒲棒村党支部说话比较灵,我看关键的一条,就是他们发挥了党组织的战斗堡垒作用,干部和党员能起带头作用。全村党员把本来应得的40万元奖金,拿出30几万元为村里修桥,这就是带头作用。“榜样的力量是无穷的”,以身作则就是无声的命令:如果每个党员干部和党员都能处处做表率,什么事情都能带领群众办好.建造社会主义大厦,任何时候都离不开我们的干部和党员在群众中的模范带头作用,这是根基啊!工、农、兵、学、商,哪个行业都是这样。后薄棒村的党组织,既坚持发扬党的优良传统和作用,同时又在新形势下不断研究做好基层工作的新办法,这是一条好经验。他们在发展村级集体经济上也有一办法,如果村级经济老是上不去,村里的党政组织在群众中就没有多少号召力。如果支部书记是在私营企业里当小伙计,那他怎么能把树子搞得好?中国农村大,各地条件千差万别,一定要坚持因地制宜.后蒲棒村靠天津比较近,已兴办了一批村镇企业,产业结构产生了很? General Secretary Jiang Zemin inspected me in Tianjin in December last year and said: I was deeply impressed by the work of the post-Pu Ba Village in Wuqing County. Someone in the village’s party branch spoke and why did anyone listen? There is an old saying in China called “Fallacy of the Beam, Fallacy of the Beam,” Fallacy? Teaching is more important than teaching. I am the oldest teacher in this “classics”. After the village party branch Pu Po speak more spirit, I think the key one is that they have played a stronghold of the party’s fighting fortress, cadres and party members can take the lead. The village party members should have been worth 40 million bonus, out of 30 million for the village bridge repair, this is the lead role. “The power of the example is endless,” and leading by example is the silent order: If every cadre of party members and party members can always set an example, everything will lead the masses well. The building of a socialist mansion can not be separated from the example and leadership of our cadres and party members in the masses at any time. This is the foundation! Industry, agriculture, soldiers, learning, business, industry which is the case. Post-thin-stick village party organizations, not only adhere to carry forward the party’s fine tradition and role, but also under the new situation continue to study and do a good job of grass-roots work of the new approach, this is a good experience. They also have a way to develop a collective economy at the village level. If the village economy is always on, the party and government organizations in the village will not have much appeal among the masses. If the branch secretary is a kid in the private sector, how can he do the tree well? Large rural areas in China, with different conditions, must adhere to local conditions. Post-Po village by the more recent Tianjin, has set up a number of villages and towns enterprises, the industrial structure has a very?
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