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目的了解西宁市儿童流感的流行特征,为流感防控提供数据支持。方法采集2012-2016年西宁市辖区流感监测哨点医院流感样病例(ILI)患儿的鼻咽双试子标本,采用Realtime-PCR方法检测,阳性标本经MDCK细胞进行流感病毒分离,并用血凝及血凝抑制实验鉴定型别,进行流行病学分析。结果共采集3 052份0~14岁ILI患儿鼻咽双试子标本,检出阳性标本342份,阳性检出率为11.20%。其中,季甲A/H3为178株、占52.05%,新甲A/H1为76株、占22.22%,乙型B/Yamagata为45株、占13.16%,乙型B/Victoria为43株、占12.57%。各年龄组间阳性检出率差异有统计学意义(χ~2=114.843,P<0.001),6岁~年龄组阳性检出率最高23.50%,9岁~年龄组检出率为19.01%。2013年检出率最高为53.85%,其次为2016年3月的50.79%。乙型流感病毒检出率呈隔年显著升高的特征,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=86.202,P<0.01)。结论儿童流感流行高峰主要在冬、春季节,夏季也可有小规模流行。季甲A/H3流感为各年度的主要流行株,同一监测年度中可有多种亚型共同流行,乙型流感为共同流行优势株的监测年度,阳性检出率明显增高,提示乙型流感对儿童健康的影响亦不容忽视,应重点加强对学龄儿童的保护。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of children’s flu in Xining and to provide data support for the prevention and control of influenza. Methods Nasopharyngeal biopsy specimens from children with influenza-like illness (ILI) from 2012 to 2016 in Xunning district were collected and detected by Real-time PCR. The positive specimens were separated by influenza virus from MDCK cells, And experimental model of hemagglutination inhibition, epidemiological analysis. Results A total of 342 nasopharyngeal and nasopharyngeal samples were collected from 3 052 children aged 0-14 years. A total of 342 positive samples were detected, the positive rate was 11.20%. Among them, 178 were A / H3, accounting for 52.05%, 76 were A / H1, 22.22% were A / H1, 45 were B / Yamagata, accounting for 13.16%, 43 were B / Victoria, Accounting for 12.57%. The positive detection rates among all age groups were statistically significant (χ ~ 2 = 114.843, P <0.001). The highest positive detection rate was 6.50% in 6-year-old group and 19.01% in 9-year-old group. The highest detection rate in 2013 was 53.85%, followed by 50.79% in March 2016. The detection rate of influenza B virus was significantly increased every other year, the difference was statistically significant (χ ~ 2 = 86.202, P <0.01). Conclusion The prevalence of influenza in children mainly in winter, spring and summer can also be a small-scale epidemic. Jiat A / H3 influenza is the major epidemic strain in each year. In the same monitoring year, there may be many subtypes co-epidemic. Influenza B is the monitoring year of common predominant strains, and the positive detection rate is significantly increased, suggesting that influenza B The impact on children’s health should not be neglected. Priority should be given to the protection of school-aged children.
The computer graphics and computer vision communities have been working closely together in recent years, and a variety of algorithms and applications have been
1 病例介绍患者 男 ,2 5岁。反复头昏头痛 5年 ,有时恶心呕吐 ,无发热 ,无癫痫发作史。心肺听诊正常 ,化验室三大常规正常。神经系统检查 :无重要体征发现。MRI检查见双侧脑室
患者 男 ,6 5岁。饭后呃逆 2月 ,进食困难 1月。食管钡餐检查 :食管、胸中段可见 15cm长的不规则充盈缺损 ,粘膜破坏中断 ,表面呈颗粒样 ,钡剂通过明显受阻 ,但透视下病变食管
随着斑点叉尾(鱼回)养殖规模的扩大,集约化养殖程度的提高,疾病的危害也越来越大,特别是斑点叉尾(鱼回)烂尾病(Tail-rot disease of channelcatfish),造成鱼苗、鱼种大批死亡
患者 男 ,2 3岁。左侧胸胀痛 1月 ,无咳嗽 ,咯血 ,发热。体检 :心肺未见异常 ,全身浅表淋巴结无肿大。胸片示 :纵隔占位性病变 (图 1)。CT表现 :前中上纵隔偏左可见团块状边缘
患者 男 ,14岁。因右上臂外伤后酸困、无力 1年入院。患者 1年前骑车不慎摔倒致右上臂骨折 ,行小夹板固定。 3月后痊愈 ,但感右上肢酸困、无力 ,无法缓解 ,但未予治疗。入院
肺癌性淋巴管炎是肺转移瘤中的一种特殊类型 ,文献报道较少。本文分析了本院经病理检查证实和临床X线资料完整的 8例肺癌性淋巴管炎 ,意在提高对该病的认识。1 临床资料1.1