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今年省委省政府工作检查,导向鲜明,形式简化,通过相互观摩、标杆示范、比学赶超,进一步提振了干事创业的精气神,坚定了落实新发展理念、加快转型升级的信心决心。总的来看,当前我省发展态势良好。经济回暖比较明显,经济增长的速度和效益都有明显回升。新兴产业比重在增大,好中差企业比重中好的企业比重在增加,现代农业和现代服务业发展迅速,补短板的工程包进展比较顺利,这些都说明经济结构和质量在提升,发展动 This year, provincial government inspection work, distinctive, simplified form, by observing each other, benchmarking, catch up than catch-up, and further boost the spirit of doing business executives, firm implementation of the new development concept, speed up the transformation and upgrading of confidence . Overall, the current situation in our province is good. Economic recovery is more obvious, the speed and efficiency of economic growth have obviously picked up. The proportion of emerging industries is increasing, the proportion of enterprises with good to medium enterprises growing is increasing, the development of modern agriculture and modern service industries is developing rapidly, and construction projects to make up for shortages are proceeding smoothly. All this shows that economic structure and quality are improving and developing move
[摘 要] 为提高大学生体质监测评价的科学化水平,采用逻辑分析的方法对目前高校体质测试健康标准存在的问题进行了专题讨论。结果显示:我国大学生体质健康检测的测试项目不完善,测试的流程不够规范,评价的方法不够科学。这就需要完善高校体质测试健康标准,规范测试的流程。  [关 键 词] 高校;体质测试健康标准;问题;改良建议  [中图分类号] G717 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603
An algorithm for Monte Carlo simulation of bremsstrahlung emission by electrons based on the framework of Super MC is presented in this paper with efficient and
本文浅谈对沈阳市南湖街道居民参与社区体育活动现状的调查与分析。 This article talked about the investigation and analysis of the residents of Nanhu Lake in Sheny