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担保物权作为以确保债务的清偿为目的,而在债务人或第三人的特定物或权力上所设定的定限物权,其首要目的即为了确保债权人债权的实现,因而担保物权在学说上又称为价值权。担保物权这种价值性和担保目的性决定了其必须从属于被担保的主债权,而不可能脱离主债权而独立存在。尤其是在二者的时效要求方面更不相同,不能混为一谈。而我国《物权法》(草案)第一百九十九条规定,担保物权随着主债权诉讼时效期间届满而消灭。该条后段又规定“担保物权人占有担保财产的,担保人可以要求担保物权人行使担保物权,担保物权人不行使的,担保人可以请求人民法院拍卖、变卖担保财产并返还超过债权数额的部分”。此时担保财产是否由债权人占有成为担保物权消灭与否的前提的理论基础是什么?本文针对上述不解作出以下几点探讨。 Secured property rights as the purpose of ensuring the satisfaction of the debt, and the debtor or third party specific objects or powers set by the restricted property, its primary purpose is to ensure the realization of the obligee’s claims, the security right in the The doctrine is also called the value right. The value of the security interest and the purpose of the security determine that it must be subordinate to the principal claim secured, and it is impossible to exist independently of the principal claim. Especially in terms of the two aging requirements are more different, can not be confused. And China’s “Property Law” (draft) Article199 stipulates that the security interest with the expiration of the limitation period of the main claims extinguished. The latter paragraph of the article also stipulates that “the security owner in possession of secured property, the guarantor may require the security owner to exercise security interests, the security owner does not exercise, the guarantor may request the people’s court auction, sale of security assets and Return more than the amount of the debt part ”. At this moment, what is the theoretical basis of whether the guarantee property is owned by the creditor as the precondition of the destruction of the real right of security? In this paper, the following points are discussed in light of the above misunderstanding.
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自 2 0 0 1年美国“9· 1 1”恐怖袭击事件以来 ,欧美航空业受到沉重打击 ,占世界钛材消费量 40 %~ 50 %的飞机市场陷入低迷状态。受其影响 ,2 0 0 2年世界钛材消费量减少 1 5
我从北海的沙滩上挖出几只小海蟹,带回了家。  小海蟹的硬壳呈黑色,眼睛炯炯有神。它们的眼睛由两个可以左右摆动的小触角支撑着,像两颗小小的黑珍珠。小海蟹有八条细细的腿,每条腿都呈直角弯曲。它们举着一对威武的大钳子,横着走路。  小海蟹擅长挖沙洞。它们用两只钳子伸进沙子里,使劲往里挖。沙洞挖得差不多大时,小海蟹将身体全部藏进去。小海蟹在沙洞外留着一个小口子,用来呼吸。  它们喜欢安静、怕光。我送给妹妹