
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenpeson
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It was demonstrated that both nociceptin, a novel opioid neuropeptide, and its receptor are present in trigeminovascular neurons. In an animal model nocicepti n dose-dependently inhibited neurogenic dural vasodilatation. These results sug gest that nociceptin may be involved in neurovascular headaches such as migraine . To test this hypothesis, we studied circulating nociceptin levels in 18 patien ts suffering from migraine without aura and in 24 controls. Headache-free migra ineurs had significantly lower nociceptin levels than controls (5.79±1.82 vs. 9.74±2.43 pg/ml, P < 0.0001, Student’s t-tests). Nociceptin levels were further reduced in six patients stu died in the first 3 h of typical migraine attacks (1.04±0.17 pg/ml). Nociceptin levels correlated with the frequency of attacks in this group of migraineurs. L ower interictal nociceptin levels may contribute to a defective regulation of tr igeminovascular neurons in migraineurs which might be important in the pain proc ess of migraine. It was demonstrated that both nociceptin, a novel opioid neuropeptide, and its receptors are present in trigeminovascular neurons. These anus gestures nociceptin may be involved in neurovascular headaches such as migraine . To test this hypothesis, we studied circulating nociceptin levels in 18 patien ts suffering from migraine without aura and in 24 controls. Headache-free migraines had significantly lower nociceptin levels than controls (5.79 ± 1.82 vs. 9.74 ± 2.43 pg / ml, P <0.0001, Student’s t-tests). Nociceptin levels were further reduced in six patients stu died in the first 3 h of typical migraine attacks (1.04 ± 0.17 pg / ml). Nociceptin levels correlated with the frequency of attacks in this group of migraineurs. L ower interictal nociceptin levels may contribute to a defective regulation of tr igeminovascular neurons in migraineurs which might be important in the pain proc ess of m igraine.
授上等兵衔的军犬 前不久,在法国小镇德雷奥举行了一次别开生面的授奖仪式,被授的虽只是上等兵小小官衔,但因为它是一只军犬,故成为轰动性新闻。这只“服役”于军事救护队的
<正> 80年代的美国是以科技革命新阶段的发展为其特征的,一般来说,这一阶段始于70年代后期。它对国家生产力的发展产生了多方面的影响。许多苏联和国外研究者们将科技革命新阶段的形成与发展首先和以利用微电子为基础的新技术和新工艺在生产和社会生活不同领域的推广联系起来。在1987年出版的一部集体著作中,苏联学者们指出:“科技革命现阶段首先是以科学技术创造本身、物质生产、流通和销售领域的电子自动化为特征的。”许多资产阶级学者则认为微电子工艺的
目的:介绍新的更有效的内痔注射方式。方法:用多普勒血流仪引导注射治疗内痔出血 与脱出,与单纯注射治疗对照观察。结果:一年后出血复发率治疗组为10%,对照组为119.17%(P< 0.05);内痔脱出复发率,治疗
目的 :探讨免疫参数与测试对象的身体素质、技术水平和机能状态的关系 ,了解测试对象现阶段的免疫能力和运动能力。方法 :早晨 8点训练前抽取静脉血 ,进行免疫机能的检测 ,并
最高人民检察院和公安部近日联合下发通知,要求各 级检察院、公安机关高度重视并切实做好保护公安、检察 干警执法权益工作。 (11月4日《新京报》) “警察也是人”,是国家的