The Analysis of Part—Time Jobs towards Percentage and Attitude among College Students

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  【Abstract】Nowadays taking a part-time job during free time has become a trend among college students,according to the Bureau of Labor Statistic in China,working part- time job is defined as a previous experience of getting an excellent position within a specific industry in the future.There are many kinds of reasons that must be taken into consideration. In today’s world, more and more college students choose a part-time job because they are almost being asked to be financially independent.At the same time,part-time job employment in China involves a comprehensive percentage and attitude.
  【Key words】Part-time jobs; Percentage; Attitude
  1. Contents of Investigation
  According to the figure from my investigation, in college the categories of part-time jobs that the students choose is different from sex,major,background of the family and so on.there are several industries covered with the investigation such as 89 percent of the students choose the job of a family teacher;60 percent of them are the members of offering job by school to do some inside works to support the studying costs;32 percent students who take some jobs about sales ,etiquette and delivering leaflets,also 10 percent are get a job in restaurant.
  Salesperson is a kind of job that you don not need to handle the specific background in this area, compared with the other part-time jobs.It is more flexible for the college students to solve the complex between studying time and space.there are numerals advantages,for instance, you could gain more encouragement,have the ability of dealing with the urgent events,due to most of the sales works are the bridge of communication,ambition so that 80 percent of the top man in this field are begin with working as a salesperson.Li Jiacheng and Ma Yun are the great examples.
  According to the percentage from the diagram that there are only 10 percent of the students have ever been worked in a restaurant, it is common that we could see many fast food restaurants posted an employment advertisement on their showcase.It is easy to get a part-time job in KFC. PIZZAHUT in the period of summer vacation or on weekends, if you want to get a part-time job without considering earning too much money, the job in the restaurant could be a better choice.
  Draw a conclusion that students can improve their study through part-time jobs.for instance,if a students find a part-time job in a law firm,his practice will enable him to better understand what he has learned from books ,what is more,the part-time job can offer him opportunities to go beyond what he has been taught in class,and he will learn something that doesn’t exist in books but in practice.The percentage of part-time jobs is another case in my paper as to the categories of getting part-time jobs.   2. The Percentage of Part-time Jobs
  In the way of analyzing the diagram that we could collect some significant percentages related to a series of investigations, which showed a situation of how many students are in favor of part-time jobs rather than those without experiencing previously. I think that there are various items covered with the investigation that could be compared to get some further benefits, such as the percentage of the male and female taking part-time jobs would solve the problems of that some certain jobs also have its gender attributes.compared with the percentage of female who take part-time jobs,the percentage of male are twice as many as that female’s.the reason why there are large amount of male taking part-time jobs because they have to bear more social pressure than female,having a part-time job is important for male,besides the money ,it helps them to understand the responsibilities of supporting the family and what they do and do not want to do with the rest of the life.Most of the male need to know more about the society early in order to cultivate the ability of social practice and improve the level of working in a certain field.To be honest some of the male students especially come from an ordinary family and urban area has more overwhelming forces than the students live in the city. Thus, they have to obtain a part-time job to afford their school and feed the family, in addition some of the male students spend too much time doing part-time jobs so as to buy some luxury products such as the high-end camera, apple phone.In a word, I agree with the opinion that college students taking part-time jobs need to be balanced with gender.
  The percentage of taking part-time jobs among college students definitely showed the trend of looking forward to getting a good job after graduation,the increasing percentage of getting part-time jobs could help the college students to accumulate work experiences and the skills adopting to the mutative society,which will benefit their future job-hunting.Actually, part-time job act as a warm-up exercise for students to take full-time jobs after graduation, in addition, as fresh food in the society, graduation students are often unflavored in job-hunting markets for lack of practical work experiences.It is easy to find jobs for those who have accumulated experience in part-time jobs.As we have seen from the discussion of the percentage of getting part-time jobs in the paragraph above.Obviously percentages are treated as the basic and minimal records of a college student to get a part-time job.The percentage could tell us the importance of getting a part-time job, also the attitude towards to the issue should be discussed minutely.   3.The Attitude of Getting Part-time Jobs
  More and more students believe that the necessity of getting a part-time job is the most important thing that absorb from the investigation.10 percent of the students think taking part-time jobs must have some positive effects, in their opinions, it will bring them much money and practical skills, and will improve their studies as a result.According to the larger percentage of necessity, which draw a clear comparison showing the essential to get a part-time job.In addition, there are also a large amount of students do not think the value of getting part-time jobs is a good way to benefit them a lot.Thus, 10 percentage of students hold the same attitude towards to the issue of skill improvement and the necessity of getting part-time jobs.All in all the attitude of the students is assured, but the fact of practice is negative that should be avoided in the last days.After all, the attitude opens a window to become aware of the students themselves and the society.Which is essential to their maturity of mind.
  Among part-time job students ,83 percent of them got unfair treatment and their lawful rights were violated.If you are part of the group which you are working, you will be in a position to know the experience and problems which are common to all of you.Among the shaping many factors, I would single out the positive attitude of taking part-time jobs acts as a great role in my investigation.
  Getting the data from the investigation which is used to reveal the attitude of accumulating skills for getting part-time jobs during spare time among college students, they think that they could absorb the experiences in life without in class.College students acquire experiences from steeling their wills and are aims at improving rich experiences with no decent salary.Most of the students get the permission from their parents to join the part-time jobs, showing that the action of getting part-time jobs is relevantly reasonable and thinking carefully.
  4. Conclusion
  I have discussed three aspects of getting part-time jobs among college students,for the items of the percentage and attitude of taking part-time jobs,I suggest that there should be more students get different working experiences in different fields,those who work in many companies are more likely to find better job.the skill gaining from the part-time job is a priority examination for the college students to contribute the country,for college students,leaning about the advantages and disadvantages in a a series of industries is a best way for college students to understand the weakness they have existed in college studying.
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