A Very Special Dish

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  Mum learned cooking.
  Mum made fish for the first time.
  At first, she put some mushrooms, cucumbers, ginger and duck blood at the bottom of the pot.
  Then she put the fish on top.
  At last, she added some special seasonings to make the soup.
  It was yummy and a little spicy.
  That was my favourite flavour.
  What a special dish mum made!
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I like eating fruits.  I like grapes very much.  They’re small, but they’re sweet.  Some of them are purple, and some  are green.  They are round and juicy.  They look like little balls.  They contain
春光明媚,生機勃勃,万物都在拔节生长。春天,寓意着希望和美好。今天,绘本故事里的驴小弟,靠着一块魔法石头,在春天终于实现了他最重要的心愿!  故事开始了——一天,爱收集小石头的驴小弟找到了一块非常特别的石头,这块石头竟然能够实现他所有的愿望!他急着回家让爸妈惊喜一下,却突然遇到一头饥饿的狮子。慌乱间,驴小弟说:“我希望我是一块石头。”他的愿望实现了……那么,接下来呢?一起读绘本吧。  Sylves
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socks 襪子  T-shirt T 恤衫
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