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中国的留日运动起始于1896年。自鸦片战争开始,中国再也不能独立于世界之外,从而被迫开始了现代性的历程。20世纪中国大批有志青年纷纷涌向日本,及至辛亥革命前的十余年间,留日学生最多的年份竟达万人,成为世界留学史上的奇观。湖南作为近代以来文化最活跃的省份,在留日热潮中不落人后,留日运动走在了全国前列。在湖南的留日学生中,有一批作家,从留学目的角度考察,他们以辛亥革命(1911年)为界,可以分为前后两类:辛亥革命前的留日作家多半是革命家,他们以开展反清革命为大业,文学创作只是他们革命大业中的一部分, The Chinese-for-Japan movement started in 1896. Since the Opium War, China could no longer be independent of the rest of the world and was forced to begin the process of modernity. In the twentieth century, a large number of aspiring young people in China flocked to Japan, and up to the ten years before the Revolution of 1911, the number of those with the largest number of students studying in Japan had reached as many as 10,000 and wonders of the history of studying in the world. As the most culturally active province in modern times in Hunan, the movement to stay in Japan has been at the forefront of the whole country after the upsurge of staying in Japan. Among the students studying in Japan, there are a number of writers who study from the perspective of studying abroad. They can be divided into two types before and after the Revolution of 1911 (1911): most of the writers who stayed in Japan before the 1911 Revolution were revolutionaries, Anti-Qing revolution is the great cause, literary creation is only part of their revolutionary cause,
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教育的目的在于培养智力,培养智力的核心是训练思维能力。创造性实验试题集中体现了对学生创造性思维培养的重视。 The purpose of education is to cultivate intelligenc
四、用牵引卷扬机取代蒸汽机车拖动清筛机 改造大揭盖清筛机的第二个技术关键,乃是牵引方式的改变。 大家知道筛子的处理量指的是平均值。但是蒸汽机车牵引清筛机时不能匀速
《元庆的画》1928年北新书局印行。鲁迅在画册封套上题字:此璇卿在日手自选定见赠者,一九三一年八月十四夜检箧见之,因内于册。迅记 “Yuan Qing painting” 1928 North Boo