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淮南产煤,是我国五大煤都之一。淮南还是中华美食——豆腐的故乡。其实,最让淮南人津津乐道的还是“淝水之战”。东晋太元八年(383年),东晋和前秦曾在淮南市境内摆开战场,决战“淝水”,留下了以少胜多的战例绝唱。如今,耸立在淮南火车站广场的不是我们熟知的伟人的塑像,而是淮南王刘安。弹指一挥间。面对市场经济的冲击和碰撞,被当地官员称为患有“动力缺乏症”的国有企业,在二十世纪的最后两年,终于率先支撑不住了。这次它们没有谢玄那样的运气。 11月初,记者费了很多口舌,才从市委机关一位工作人员手中找到了三年前该市市委书记在一次“打好经济体制改革攻坚战动员大会”上的讲话。 这位书记公开的一组被他认为是“令人震惊”的数据、让我们窥见到淮南国企当时真实的一面:全市预算内52家国有工业企业,1996年亏损额为10537.4万元。当年1至5月份又比96年同期增加亏损536万元,增幅14%;全市国有企业资产总负债额1907186万元,资产负债率高达77%。相当一部分国有企业甚至已经到了资不抵债的地步,成为名存实亡的“空壳”。 淮南市代市长陈世礼在总结淮南市今年上半年工作时也说,“据对28家市属国有中小企业统计,企业总资产为16.29亿元,负债为16.34亿元,负债率为100.3%”。 这是政府公开的数据。 其中是否打 Huainan coal production is one of the five major coal mines in China. Huainan is also the hometown of Chinese cuisine, tofu. In fact, the most talked about by the Huainan people is “the war of drowning.” In the 8th year of the Taiyuan in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (383 AD), the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Qianqin had laid battlefields in the Huai’nan City, and they made a decisive battle with “drowning water,” leaving behind a swan song in a war-like victory. Today, it is not the statue of a great man we know that stands in the square of the Huainan Railway Station, but the king of Huainan. Snap a finger. In the face of the impact and collision of the market economy, local officials said that state-owned enterprises suffering from “dynamic impotence” have finally taken the lead in the final two years of the 20th century. This time they did not have the luck of Xie Xuan. In early November, the reporter spent a lot of talk and only found a speech made by a city party committee official three years ago from the city party committee secretary at a “mobilization conference for fighting tough economic system reforms”. The group of open secrets he considered to be “shocking” data, let us glimpse of Huainan state-owned enterprises at the time of the true side: the city’s budget of 52 state-owned industrial enterprises in 1996, the loss amounted to 105.073 million yuan. From January to May that year, it also recorded an increase of 5.36 million yuan over the same period of 1996, an increase of 14%; the total assets of state-owned enterprises in the city amounted to 190.1186 billion yuan, and the debt ratio was as high as 77%. A considerable number of state-owned enterprises have even reached the point where they are insolvent and become a “empty shell” in name only. Acting Mayor of Huai’nan City, Chen Shili, also said when summarizing Huainan City’s work during the first half of this year, “According to the statistics of 28 state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises, the total assets of the company were 1.629 billion yuan, liabilities were 1.634 billion yuan, and the debt ratio was 100.3%.” . This is the government’s open data. Whether to fight
我省理论武装工作的开展虽然取得不少经验,但也存在不少问题: 一是学习发展不平衡,搞形式、走过场的情况仍然存在。有的地区和单位的领导对理论武装工作十分重视,理论武装工
目的对海训青年战士下腰痛的流行病学进行调查.方法通过发放腰痛调查表和实地考察的方式,对2002年6月-2005年9月参加海训的3 200名现役士兵进行腰痛发病状况调查.结果海训条
为了筛选防治小麦蚜虫的高效、安全拌种药剂,选用4种杀虫剂进行了田间小区试验。试验结果表明:在小麦播种前,用10%噻虫嗪微囊悬浮剂20mL拌种1kg或600g/L吡虫啉FS 2mL拌种1kg