
来源 :中国橡胶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenglin229
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一、使用情况动态脱硫罐脱硫到点后排出的胶粉温度在160℃以上,用土法将排出的胶粉摊铺在地上,极易自燃烧焦。某再生胶厂夏季室温40℃,动态脱硫罐排出的胶粉温度高达160℃以上,胶粉排出立即冒烟自燃,摊开在地上降温,但胶粉仍然焦烧,安装脱硫胶粉冷却干燥机后,试用效果良好。动态脱硫罐排出的胶粉温度是168℃,经冷却后排出的胶粉温度是58℃,降110℃,室温40℃,只高于室温18℃,效果极佳。较软的胶粉立即可进入下一工序压胶,只需压两遍即可进入下一台开炼机压一遍, First, the use of Dynamic Desulfurization Desulfurization desulfurization point to the point of the temperature of the rubber powder discharged above 160 ℃, with the soil method will be discharged on the ground adhesive powder, spontaneous combustion scorch. A reclaimed rubber factory in summer temperature 40 ℃, dynamic desulfurization tank discharges the rubber temperature as high as 160 ℃ above, the powder discharged immediately smoke spontaneous combustion, spreading on the ground to cool down, but the powder is still scorch, the installation of desulphurization powder cooling drier After trial, the effect is good. The temperature of the rubber powder discharged from the dynamic desulfurization tank is 168 ℃, the temperature of the rubber powder discharged after cooling is 58 ℃, decreased 110 ℃, room temperature 40 ℃, only higher than room temperature 18 ℃, the effect is very good. Softer powder immediately into the next process of plastic, just press it twice to enter the next open mill pressure again,
微细粒级钛铁矿的脱泥和浓缩是攀枝花钛资源微细粒级回收的关键技术之一 ,本研究用CZI - 1 0 0高效脱泥浓缩旋流器进行了各种条件试验 ,确定了旋流器合理几何参数、分级工艺
根据四大电信运营商公布的年报,2006年净利润总额达1097亿。综观2006年四大运营商的业绩,可谓移动笑饱、固网愁倒,不可逆转的移动通信趋势,彻底重构着电信业务格局。  其中,中国网通去年净利润为105.54亿元人民币,同比减少6%以上,本地电话用户数较2005年下跌0.3%,首次出现负增长;中国电信全年净利润271亿元,同比下跌2.8%。对此,中国网通董事长张春江坦言,移动语音对固定语音的替代
本文叙述了基于ATM技术进行局域网仿真的原理和有关算法,对几种主要的方案进行了优劣评价,并简要介绍了ATM Forum的局域网仿真体系结构。
采用有机溶剂法对紫皮大蒜中大蒜素提取工艺进行研究,通过考察单因素和正交试验确定了最佳的大蒜素提取工艺,当乙醇体积分数为90%,料液比为1∶5,提取温度为25℃,提取时间为2 h,大蒜
AIM:To evaluate the method of noninvasive transient elastography for assessment of histological stage of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CH