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高中学生都喜欢把夏季的期末大考称之为“黑色的七月”。因为青春智慧的承诺,每每在“黑色七月”兑现。对于高三学生,七月尤其关键,倘若不幸被七月考场的“黑色霉弹”击中,无疑等于在人生起跑线上受挫。如果说人们对一般高中生的辛苦与紧张还有所了解,那么对于重点中学里重点班内的“淘汰制”学习方式的残酷性,几乎是难以想象的。“强迫担忧”的警示一对装扮得体的中年夫妇领着一个体格魁梧,行动却迟缓得近于呆滞的儿子前来咨询中心治疗。虎背熊腰的儿子已是高二学生,当被问及是否需要先单独谈话时,他不假思索地立刻回答:“不用不用,我的这点事他们全知道。”他的咨询是从讲述自己的“强迫观念”开始的。从高一开始,他就发现自己出现了一种奇怪的心理:常在照镜子的时候.将注意力高度集中在嘴唇上,嫌它长得太厚。“为什么它会是这种模样而不能更加美一点呢?”他会为这个念头而苦恼,并为它的苦苦纠缠而痛苦。这种“强迫观念”的出现大大地干扰了他的学习,使他为之焦虑和恐惧。然而更令他惶惑的却是一念未绝,一念又生。现在他的注意力又集中到了自己的鼻子上,对着镜子他总是怀疑自己的鼻子是歪的。“如果再移过去一点点就好了。”这样的念头纠缠得他头脑发涨,眼睛发花,甚至于精疲力竭。再到后来,他变得坐立不安,常怀疑自己的脊梁是否有病.有时甚至会怀疑自己是否患了白血病?“你的这类念头是否总是在你捧着书本读书或是做习题的时候出现?”我向他提示。“是啊,你怎么知道?”他有些惊讶。因为强迫观念或行为的产生,既是被压抑了的正常愿望的反弹(反抗),也是对智能与心理压力超负荷运转的警示。因此,根据他的强迫观念的内容,我们可以推测出他潜意识里对美的呼唤,而对自身形象的追求又是 High school students like to call the summer final exam “Black July.” Because of the promise of youthful wisdom, often in the “Black July” cash. For juniors, July is especially key, but if unfortunately it was hit by the black mold bullet in the July exam, it would undoubtedly mean to be frustrated at the start of life. If people are still aware of the hard work and nervousness of ordinary high school students, it is almost inconceivable that the cruelty of the “elimination system” in the key secondary schools should be unimaginable. “Forced Worry ” warning A well-dressed middle-aged couple led a burly physique, but was slow to move near the sluggish son came to the counseling center for treatment. When he was asked if he needed to talk alone, he immediately responded without hesitation: “They do not have to use it, and all I know about this is my son.” “His advice was to tell from his own ”Obsession“ began. From the very beginning, he found himself in a weird psychology: often looking in the mirror, focusing attention on his lips, too thick. ”Why is it that way it can not be more beautiful?“ ”He would be distressed by this idea and agonized over its bitterness. The advent of such “obsessions” has greatly disturbed his learning, leaving him anxious and fearful. However, even more apprehensive to him is a concept never seen, read a concept and life. His attention was now focused on his own nose, and in the mirror he always suspected his nose was crooked. “If you move a little bit better. ” This idea entangled him up, his eyes blossoming, or even exhausted. Later, he became restless and often wondered whether his spine was sick, and sometimes wondered if he had leukemia? “Is it always the case when you are holding a book or reading a book? Appear? ”I suggested to him. “Yeah, how do you know?” He was a bit surprised. Forcing ideas or behaviors to come out is not only the rebound (resistance) of the repressed normal aspirations, but also the warning that intelligence and psychological pressures are overloaded. Therefore, according to the content of his obsession, we can infer his subconscious call to beauty, and the pursuit of his own image is
南非的格林泰克公司与瑞典的摄氏公司联合控股的阿维特罗尼克海事公司与英国的华劳浦防御系统公司签定了一份协议,以将“超级栅栏”海上干扰系统推向市场。 “超级栅栏”系
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一位19岁的男大学生被父亲带到心理咨询门诊,父亲开口滔滔不绝地说:“这孩子去年好不容易上了大学,可刚开学就逃学,军训怕吃苦,上基础课不做作业,整天在寝室里睡觉,我祖辈都是书香门第,我一生勤奋好学,抓紧每一分钟时间,没想到他会有这种坏毛病……”  当这位父亲诉说完之后,我单独与这位大学生交谈。没想到他认为是父亲有心理问题,应该接受咨询的是父亲。他说:“父亲对我管教太严,要求太高,从小到大不断地检查我