
来源 :Journal of Resources and Ecology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lujunjun_1204
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作为联合国粮农组织全球重要农业文化遗产保护试点之一的哈尼稻作梯田系统能够成功抵御百年一遇的大旱,不仅是因为森林生态系统和梯田生态系统具有重要的水源涵养功能,且以传统知识为主体的民族传统文化在系统成功抵御干旱的过程中也发挥了重要作用,哈尼稻作梯田系统成功抵御旱灾是自然生态系统与民族传统文化和谐发展的结果。本文首先探讨了哈尼稻作梯田系统成功抵御旱灾的机制;通过问卷调查、文献资料搜集和访谈的基础上对影响哈尼稻作梯田系统水源涵养功能的民族传统文化进行了深入探讨,研究结果表明传统文化在哈尼稻作梯田系统水源涵养功能中的影响主要体现在三个方面:(1)哈尼族具有独特的兴修水利、水量分配、水沟管理等一系列水资源管理知识,并形成了水资源保护意识;(2)哈尼族通过对森林资源的分类与管理,以及对森林的崇拜等因素影响,有效地保护了森林生态系统;(3)哈尼族通过对梯田的开垦和维护,以及形成的耕作体系,有效的保护了梯田生态系统。本文通过对水资源管理、森林管理和梯田管理知识等民族传统文化的研究,探究了哈尼传统民族文化在维持系统稳定性和实现水资源循环利用过程中的作用,该研究对民族传统文化的传承以及全球重要农业文化遗产(哈尼稻作梯田系统)的保护具有十分重要的现实意义。 The Hani paddy terraced system, one of FAO’s global pilot projects on the protection of important agricultural heritage, can successfully withstand the once-in-a-century drought not only because of the important water conservation functions of forest ecosystems and terraced ecosystems, but also of traditional knowledge As the main body of traditional culture has played an important role in the success of the system to successfully withstand drought. The success of Hani rice terraced system in resisting drought is the result of the harmonious development of natural ecosystem and national traditional culture. In this paper, the mechanism of Hani rice terraces system successfully resisting the drought was first discussed. Based on the questionnaire survey, literature collection and interviews, the traditional national culture which affected the water conservation function of Hani rice terraced system was discussed in depth. The results show that the traditional The influence of culture on the water conservation function of Hani paddy terraced system is mainly reflected in three aspects: (1) Hani has a series of unique knowledge of water resources management, such as water conservancy, water allocation and ditch management, and formed a series of water resources (2) The Hani nationality effectively protected the forest ecosystem through the classification and management of the forest resources and the worship of the forest; (3) Through the cultivation and maintenance of the terraces and the formation of Tillage system, effective protection of the terraced ecosystems. Based on the study of ethnic traditional culture, such as water resources management, forest management and terrace management knowledge, this paper explores the role of Hani’s traditional national culture in maintaining system stability and realizing the recycling of water resources. The research on the inheritance of national traditional culture As well as the protection of the world’s major agricultural heritage (Hani paddy terraced system) has very important practical significance.
<正> 一、案情简介被告人李甲,女,17岁,汉族,系内蒙古某旗农民。被告人李甲于1989年3月30日晚,随其姐姐李乙到本村刘某(系李乙的夫兄)家借用畜力车。李乙对刘说:"大哥,咱妈(指其婆母)给我们一只羊,明天拉到集市上卖几个钱好治病,把你家车借用用呗!"
<正> 党的十四大充满了改革开放精神和求实奋进气氛。江泽民同志代表十三届中央委员会在十四大上所作的报告,确定了90年代加快改革开放、推动经济发展和社会全面进步、建立社会主义市场经济体制的主要任务,是指引全党和全国人民胜利前进的纲领性文件。江泽民同志在报告中强调要"高度重视法制建设"。他指出:"要严格执行宪法和法律,加强执法监督,坚决纠正以言代法、以罚代刑等现象,保障人民法院和检察院依法独立进行审判和检察"。并且强调"坚持两手抓,两手都是硬"。当前,我国经济建设上了一个新台阶,我们肩负的历史使
1991年的元旦刚过,三个裹着黑棉袄的农民就来到了张家口市中级人民法院行政庭。 “这里能管管我们的事吗?” 正在埋头阅卷的我被这乡土之音唤起。我抬头望着他们,都是年逾花
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