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据了解,世界首例四线系杆拱连续梁铁路大桥——松花江铁路特大桥的主体部分已经顺利完工,主体施工结束后,松花江铁路特大桥将进入施工收尾阶段,预计最快于2014年12月即可开始轨道和电路的调试运行。据中铁二十二局哈齐客专项目部总工程师介绍,哈齐客专松花江特大桥的建设给国内的施工企业提出了很大的挑战。施方工经过多方的学习和调研,先后解决了包括国内最大单个自重和承载力的球型钢支座一次性安装成功、世界最大系杆拱桥连续梁“零号块”一次性浇筑成功以及29.4 m It is understood that the world’s first four-tiered arch-continuous beam railway bridge - the main part of the Songhua River Railway Bridge has been successfully completed, the main construction is completed, the Songhuajiang Railway Bridge will enter the final phase of the construction is expected to be the fastest in 2014 December in December to start the track and circuit debugging operation. According to the chief engineer of Hazek Passenger Project Department of Twenty-two Bureau of China Railway Construction Corporation, the construction of Haazijia College’s Songhua River Super Bridge poses a great challenge to domestic construction enterprises. After many years of study and investigation, the staffs successfully solved the problem of one-time installation of the spherical steel bearings including the largest single self-weight and bearing capacity in the world. The success of the world’s largest tied arch continuous beam, “zero block” one-time pouring success and 29.4 m
同学们盼望已久的寒假已经来临,你一定有许多计划要去实施:学弹吉它、出去旅游、阅读一套名著或走亲访友……你准备好了吗?在这里我将再花提醒大家:注意安全啊! Students ha
目的为不同节段腰椎间孔镜手术提供解剖学依据。方法 10具成人脊柱腰骶段(L_1~S_1)标本,观测L_(1/2)~L_5/S_1椎间孔高、椎间孔安全三角、椎管内安全三角的形态。结果①L_(1/2
Three extraction methods, ultrasonic assisted extraction (USE), microwave assisted extraction (MSE), and conventional single extraction (CSE), in conjunction wi
本刊讯4月12日,华星化工在安徽庐江汤池发布了喜洋洋农资连锁发展战略及远景规划,参加会议的人员近200 On April 12, Huaxing Chemical released the development strategy