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一、课间体育的性质课间体育是指学生从进校到上课及课间所进行的身体练习,它是课间活动的内容之一。很多学校习惯将课间体育纳入课外体育,这是一个认识误区,因为课外体育是课外活动的一个组成部分,是学校在体育教学之外,引导学生自愿参加的有目的、有计划、有组织的体育锻炼活动。课外体育归属活动课程,有课程性质,它是体育学科课程的重要补充,纳入学校的教育工作总体规划。而课间体育只是课间活动的一项内容,是调节学生生理、心理的重要手段,并不具备课程性质。因此,两者不能混为一谈,现对比分析如下: First, the nature of intersex sports Lesson-time physical education refers to the students from entering the school to the class and the physical exercises conducted during the class, it is one of the contents of class activities. Many schools are accustomed to incorporating class exercise into extra-curricular sports. This is a misunderstanding as extra-curricular sports are an integral part of extra-curricular activities. They are the purposeful, planned and organized ways in which schools lead voluntarily their participation in physical education Physical activity. Extracurricular sports attribution courses, with the nature of the course, is an important complement to the physical education curriculum and is incorporated into the overall planning of school education. The interscholastic physical education is only one part of the activities of the class. It is an important means to regulate the students’ physical and psychological condition and does not have the nature of the curriculum. Therefore, the two can not be confused. The comparative analysis is as follows:
高三一轮复习是整个复习中最关键的环节,它对知识的理解,能力的提高起着重要作用。如何搞好一轮复习?这是每个老师必须思考的问题。结合新课程理念对一轮复习谈点自己的看法、    1、研究真卷、感受高考、分析异同、准确定位    在第一轮复习开始之前,有必要将近年全国各地的完整真卷中的物理部分引导学生进行研究。这是“真卷研究”策略。主要是引导学生了解高考真题的题型特点、分值、题量、范围、侧重点、考点分布以
[文题]一位哲人说过,人生只要敢于鼓起勇气,迈出那一步,离成功也就不远了。请你以“勇气”为话题写一篇文章,文体不限,不少于600字。 [article] A philosopher once said th
解析几何中有两类弦长问题用三角函数定义来解比较简单,一是过焦点的弦长问题,二是过中心或顶点的弦长问题.  一、过焦点的弦长问题
《新音乐课程标准》指出:“让学生了解我国各民族优秀民族、民间音乐,以激发热爱祖国艺术情感和民族自豪感,增强民族意识和爱国主义情操。” The New Curriculum Standard s