Morphology, Growth Process and Symmetry of {0001} Face on Yb:YAl_3(BO_3)_4 Crystal

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiffylube
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The {0001} face develops on the habit of self-frequency doubling laser crystal Yb: YAI3(B03)4 (YbYAB) only under high growth rate condition, and its morphology is rough. To study the growth mechanism of {0001} face, we have observed the growth morphology on {0001} polishing section by atomic force microscopy (AFM). A series of AFM images captured in different growth durations on the {0001} polishing section reflect the crystal growth process. It is shown that the growth morphology on the {0001} polishing section was rough with many hillocks at the first growth stage, and it can become smooth finally, although the growth morphology on the {0001} face developed naturally on YbYAB crystal habit is always rough. On the smooth {0001} surface formed at the last growth stage, there are some triangular pits. This fact is different from that of hillocks in most crystal growth morphologies. AFM can easily distinguish the pits or hillocks on the surface, but differential interfere contrast microscopy (DIC) can not The {0001} face develops on the habit of self-frequency doubling laser crystal Yb: YAI3 (B03) 4 (YbYAB) only under high growth rate condition, and its morphology is rough. To study the growth mechanism of {0001} we have observed the growth morphology on {0001} polishing section by atomic force microscopy (AFM). A series of AFM images captured in different growth durations on the {0001} polishing section reflect the crystal growth process. on the {0001} polishing section was rough with many hillocks at the first growth stage, and it can become smooth finally, although the growth morphology on the {0001} face developed naturally on YbYAB crystal habit is always rough. } surface formed at the last growth stage, there are some triangular pits. This fact is different from that of hillocks in most crystal growth morphologies. AFM can easily distinguish the pits or hillocks on the surface, but differential interfere contrast micros copy (DIC) can not
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